Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

corruption eats everything. it doesn’t spare education because how could it possibly?

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my personal opinion, before information and study was freely available via a million different avenues, there was value in the soviet education system. it locked enough kids into a room, and being a good student is a form of survival over there, some will obviously rise if they can find a good teacher or tutor to help them. but that only works while the teachers are motivated or incentivized to do a good job. all of those factors are gone right now.

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He’s the pro-putin Rupert Murdoch AND was the political leader of the opposition. Zelensky had him arrested last year for something akin to treason (which no doubt royall pissed off Putin).

Execute him.

it would be crazy to live in a country that does this, can’t even imagine honestly.

Special operations to capture opposition leaders:
Putin: 0
Zelensky: 1


You really struggle with degrees don’t you? One bad thing is always the same as any other bad thing.

State run propaganda with no dissenting voices allowed, people thrown in jail for protesting, 15 year prison sentences for speaking the truth - is just as bad the US MSM reporting Afghanistan in a slanted fashion. Reverse cargo cult all the way.

Well it’s pretty directly related here, the insane level of Russophobia in America is a result of decades of demonizing and dehumanizing our great enemies the Russians. Culminating in calling Russians subhuman orcs and such. Same with the rampant Islamaphobia in the US, that’s probably even worse.

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he’s not really the political leader of teh opposition. he’s the political leader of pro-russian faction, which wasn’t all of opposition, and definitely wouldn’t even be a plurality opposition party now.

Lol yeah - so much Russophobia that Mitt Romney got laughed at when he said Russia was a serious threat. Building for decades for sure. So much propaganda. Just like Russian state TV. Exactly the same.

Hardly anyone in the US gave a shit about Russia before they invaded Iraq. Crimea and Donbas barely registered. Yeah now that they’re literally raping and murdering their way across Ukraine, public sentiment has turned. But that’s two freaking months old. Half the Republican base still worships Putin.

You live in a Greenwald-infused fantasy world.

Please point me to the Russian version of Greenwald, Tucker, Taibbi - going to bat for the West. Oh yeah you can’t because they’re either dead or in jail.


is american russophobia better or worse than american islamophobia?

because lol, it wasn’t. and now, when i speak to russians, i have no idea if they are pro-putin tankies or not. i know a bunch are militaristic ussr-nostalgia types. so i’m defintely a little afraid of them too.

russians have been calling ukrainians “укропы” (ukrop) since 2014, in a no less demeaning way as a homophone. it’s the word for ‘dill’. ‘orc’ is a transposition of ‘roc’ which is what russia was dubbed at the olympics, and also uses some of the same letters as ukrop in russian. pretty sure orc started in 2022 by Ukrainians DURING THE INVASION (but i could be wrong). are you upset Americans are using that word?

In Keeed’s world Americans have been calling Russians orcs for decades. It’s important for him to believe this.

The only people I see calling the Russian army orcs on twitter are Ukrainians or expat Russians.

I grew up in the Cold War. Even then the popular sentiment was “Our beef isn’t with the Russian people, it’s with their leadership.”


i feel like you are conflating “where’s the beef?” commercial. i was told americans believe bears roam the streets of soviet cities.

Empty grocery shelves is the main thing we were taught. But Russians didn’t starve at least. That was the kids in China, who were invoked to tell us we should finish our plates.

Our tour guide in China told us his parents told him to finish his plate because kids were starving in America.

I only had to mention it and now I get all the train stories.

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same. grapes of wrath, gone with the wind were allowed by censors into the ussr, because they felt it showed american poverty prominently enough that noone would have wanted to go to america.

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it’s like we are watching ww1 newsreels, but in real time and on twitter/telegram.

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When was the last time a Scandinavian country elected a man to lead them? Maybe they’re onto something.