Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

This refers to the Facebook post but it was posted on their Twitter account 7h ago:

This is the account of someone who has been fighting in Mariupol:

And tractors.


There’s some weird stuff going on with that COSSACKGUNDI account. At least a lot of official-ish sources seem to come out of the woodwork to refute his posts. I don’t think he’s on the Russian side, but he could think he’s helping by playing things up. Although it looks like he’s surrendered and his family is running the account now.

Waiting to see if Mariupol finally falls in the next two days.

Remember that post supposedly from a foreign fighter a few weeks ago that Kyiv was about to be overrun and it was only a matter of time? That didn’t happen.

Are you doing a caricature of yourself now?

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You seem to be doing a good enough job of “not using IQ” for both of us.


Along with cyber, it seems strange rail hasn’t come up much. Maybe it’s just I’m old and watched too much WW2 stuff. There were train scenes in The Bridge on the River Kwai, Kelly’s Heroes, Von Ryan’s Express, Casablanca, and The Longest Day. Even Hogan’s Heroes sabotaged rail.

Belarusian patriots have sabotaged a lot of rail lines leading into Ukraine. And now someone is sabotaging them in Belgorod. The Russians purportedly rely on rail for all their logistics, which is a big reason they struggle when they get too far from a rail line.

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What the hell

I’m genuinely beginning to buy into this “negative/reverse selection” theory that has been floated more and more recently in light of what has been going on, and this is on the Russian activist youtube channels.

The Soviet Union/Russia has had 100+ years of repressions and then an exodus in the early 90s. Let’s just say that piece of land is not left with the best people.

This has nothing to do with genetics, for the avoidance of doubt. I am talking about upbringing.

That plus 2 decades of Nazi-level propaganda demonizing and dehumanizing Russia’s enemies. When even the Patriarch of Russia is saying “kill all the bastards”, and you’re the country that invaded, you know the situation is really fucked.

Putin would do this to express his disapproval of the joining NATO talk but hard to take it as a serious threat right now.

Can’t remember if it was something you posted or I read it elsewhere, but the story of the girl being raped multiple times and being told “we’re going to make it so that you Nazi whore can’t have any more sex or children” is tear-jerking, heartbreaking, and also massively ironic. The people doing it obviously don’t realise that the reason Nazis are bad is because they did exactly what they are now doing. “Nazi” is just another word for “subhuman” to them, just like “Jew” was to the original Nazis.

The fascists of the future will call themselves antifascists (said by somone in ~1950 IIRC), indeed.

The US has a trilateral agreement with Finland and Sweden to where we have to come to their defense (I believe). But the funny part is just Finland alone could probably wipe Russia off the map (assuming no nukes) in their present state.

the good news is that russian education system is so poor, they don’t need to filter any boys based on IQ. they are well within the acceptable range for the army. also helps that parents with kids on the smarter side have planned ahead and gotten them ironclad medical deferments or left the country for vacation or permanent residence elsewhere.

Has it really got that bad in 30 years? It was one of the best in the world, for STEM subjects at least, as I recall.

I went to school in Moscow from the ages of 12-13 (93-94) and that was pretty much enough for me to coast to ~15 back in the UK in maths & physics, and even sit my maths GCSE (usually age 16) a year early. Could have prob been 2 if I weren’t so inherently lazy.

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