Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


Lot of conflicting information coming out of Mariupol.

Shocking! Sounds like it’s on.,141637,28327340,szpiegowo.html#s=BoxOpImg2

Straight out of the FoxNews playbook. Burn books while at the same time complaining that twitter adding a disinfo warning is the end of free speech.

basurin is a propagandist who apparently has no real operational knowledge. there’s no designation Chemical Armed Forces. Conflict Intelligence Team basically said his words don’t map to any actual army concept.

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He has a lot of borders. Maybe we should very publicly ask Japan to join NATO, then flirt a little with Kazakhstan and Mongolia and he might have little left for Donbass

There are 14 countries that share land borders with Russia. Four more have maritime borders. I wouldn’t be surprised if blood pressure levels there have increased a little.

another juicy bit from Conflict Intelligence Team is that upto 40% of russian conscripts and reservists are refusing to participate in special operation.

meanwhile pro russian telegram channels are giddy over a video of a russian tank approaching a group of ukrainian soldiers, allegedly without them realizing it’s not a friendly (perhaps they thought it was captured), and the tank proceeds to blow them up at point blank range. it’s a very unusual situation, to the point that perhaps the tank may have fired after being captured. pro UA channels are pointing out that video is likely at least days old if not weeks. quite horrific, and embarrassing with either explanation.


This forum and 2p2 probably hates Russians more than 99% of the general public given how many poker cheating rings were from there.

Dude, if you really like Russians so much, you can blow me.

You ever, for just second, think why the actual real Russians on this forum are nowhere near as Russophilic as you are?

Ukraine twitter has been notably less chatty the last couple days. I guess no new major war crimes and not much movement on the fronts will do that.

Nowhere near russophillic or russophobic, i might add

Oh great.
I read somewhere that armed conflict was generally down since the end of the cold war. I guess we’re going back.