Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

To anyone upset by this video, keep in mind that the Russian soldiers are not fleeing OUT OF Ukraine, they’re fleeing into another part of Ukraine presumably to continue fighting.


I read somewhere this isn’t a recent vid. Not sure.

Doesn’t seem like we’re seeing thousands of Russians left behind.

that’s how thousands of people die in 20 seconds :flushed:

i agree. ukraine is usually careful not to post anything that would help russians correct fire. a battery like that would be way too valuable to geolocate.

Passive voice doing heavy lifting in that story.


Not sure if most of them survive to see winter.

Previously linked:

ISW does not assess the fighting in Ukraine will halt or enter a stalemate due to winter weather, despite faulty Western assumptions. NBC News reported on November 9 that some US and Western defense officials are eyeing an “expected winter slowdown in fighting as an opportunity for diplomacy to begin between Russia and Ukraine.”[2] Autumn and springtime mud can slow or halt military advances, as can faulty or insufficient wintertime equipment. Some military equipment may need to be adapted for colder weather, and shortages of equipment or ammunition could slow advances due to logistical difficulties — not winter weather.[3] Winter weather could disproportionately harm poorly-equipped Russian forces in Ukraine, but well-supplied Ukrainian forces are unlikely to halt their counteroffensives due to the arrival of winter weather and may be able to take advantage of frozen terrain to move more easily than they could in the muddy autumn months. If fighting does halt this winter, it will be due to logistical challenges and the culmination of several campaigns on both sides.

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One of the twitter folks has said it was Russia that blew the bridge, so if true sounds like they completed the evacuation and don’t plan on coming back anytime soon.

Digging in for the Ukraine winter after retreating has gotta be a motivational prospect for the Russian soldier.

Kharkiv was the most populous to be seized, and it’s already been liberated. Then it’s Dontesk, but I’d expect the liberation there to take a while. Zaporizhzhia was never taken itself, but much of the oblast was. Mykolaiv was never taken. Sevastapol figures to be the very last major city to be liberated, if it ever is. Mariupol and Luhansk figure to be some of the last outside of Crimea.

Did the Russians ever fully hold Kharkiv?

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kherson was the only place russia actually got anywhere to lose that is quite the blow

well maybe not cause it’s assuredly mostly destroyed but the slow lol them continues


Perhaps not

Fuck, and I cannot stress this enough, Mearsheimer. Dude would have sold all those people into life in a Belarus vassal state for $1.


They were in for a far worse fate than just being citizens of a vassal state.