Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


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Yeah me too. Who knows if it’s really as bad as it sounds but this is the scenario they’ve faced for weeks. Months even. They had a chance to escape but they brought in more men just to screw themselves even worse? It’s like something out of Shakespeare: Now, if these men do not die well, it will be a dark matter for the king who led them to it.

Man, I thought we’d see mass surrender before it came to something like this.

basically, with just a few more kms of advancement, they are in range to hit anything between crimea and Dniepro.

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We all saw this when they were massing more troops into Kherson while their bridges were being bombed by HIMARs.

Fucking idiots.


An orderly retreat is a complicated operation. For a while it looked (to me anyway) like they were not going to do that and were going to dig in and try to hold on through the Winter. That seemed dumb but not as dumb as what they seem to actually be doing. It looks like panic.

Seems like it requires trust that you won’t be left in the cold as well, or at least willingness to sacrifice yourself for some sort of greater good.

Reasonably, Russian soldiers don’t think either thing

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To be clear, I’m just guessing like everybody else. The talk about a potential trap could have been a Jedi mind trick to make the Russians believe Ukraine was hesitant to go after retreating forces when they were really just waiting for the right moment to hit them really hard. Do the Russians have some super clever plan to turn the tide? Maybe, but that’s not what it looks like.

next week or so we may see half of russian soldiers cross the river, and the other half either dead or captured.

I hope those poor bastards have the good sense to realize Putin cut them loose and surrender where they can.

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Yeah, I’m surprised they didn’t realize the pickle they were in earlier and surrender en masse. Hopefully as many as possible get to.

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Kherson for Russia sounds about as fun as Marne right now

ISW sees things a little differently.

Russian forces so far appear to be withdrawing in relatively good order, and Ukrainian forces are making expected gains without routing Russian forces, as they did in the Kharkiv counteroffensive. Ukrainian strikes since August have successfully degraded Russian supply lines on the west (right) bank to force Russian forces to withdraw and will liberate Kherson Oblast to the Dnipro River in the coming days or weeks. The Russian withdrawal will take some time to complete, and fighting will continue throughout Kherson Oblast as Ukrainian troops advance and come up against pre-prepared Russian defensive lines, especially around Kherson City.


Last tweet in thread giving overview of the situation.

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if this is firing at evacuation choke points, oof. they are going to need more bodybags.

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and the information front is also heating up on both sides

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