Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

A handful of swing voters in PA, NV and GA saving democracy for the world.

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Man that is a great line, gotta steal that one.

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“The main question is whether the Ukrainians will give the Russians the opportunity to calmly withdraw, or fire at them during the crossing to the left bank,” Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov said. “With the rapid withdrawal of troops, the Russians are at great risk. The bridges are in very poor condition — the personnel can be taken out on boats, but the equipment needs to be taken out only on barges and pontoons, and this is very easily shelled by the Ukrainian army.

It would seem that Ukraine wouldn’t want to do anything to demotivate Russians from making future retreats.

They might be being overcautious. Or they might be the ones laying a trap and the Russians are about to get kicked in the ass on the way out the door. Or they might prefer to pick a different spot for a counterattack since the Russians are bugging out of Kherson anyway. I have no idea really.

Kherson was always weird to me. Ukraine didn’t try to defend it at all, and it always seemed like there was this implicit assumption they’d get it back at some point. I guess maybe it’s super hard to defend or something.

Kherson fell very early on when Ukraine was being attacked on all fronts without any Western weapons. There wasn’t much they could do against Russia’s superior numbers at the time.

i disagree. forcing a few of thousand to surrender on the right bank could become is a very valuable resource for eventual negotiations.

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there is something to that perspective. the south of ukraine seemed to have had some political leaders who may have been helping russian forces. eg the roads out of crimea were not mined. the existing AFU forces quickly retreated past kherson and only started engaging russians around mykolaev, and created the conditions that russia would rather easily gain the land bridge. saldo seemed to have been aware of russian plans ahead of time.

it will make some interesting investigations after the war

I remember hearing the defense of Kherson was disorganized because the guy in charge snap fled. The Russians intelligence that Ukraine didn’t want to fight was true to an extent there

i doubt you heard that about the military command for kherson. saldo/stremousov are nobodies.

Oh man.

Based on Ukraine’s prior actions, I would expect them to go full force against the retreating troops. Remember Russia’s retreat over a 50m river that was blown apart? Dneipro is like 500m, maybe 100m at narrow spots.

I thought Russia knew better how to conduct defensive retreats.