Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Counterpoint to chess players needing high IQ is Hikaru Nakamura, who is kind of a dumbass if you’ve ever heard him talk about anything not chess on stream, and who once also said on stream that he tested up at a 108 IQ. But of course grandmasters do trend smarter than general population and Kasparov is smart, though he has some… eccentric beliefs.

I would take Musk over Kasparov in an IQ test just because Musk seems to be the kind of guy that did a bunch of them when younger to try and show off while Kasparov couldn’t care less as a chess player. It is not like these tests measure anything really linked to intelligence.

Not sure you can even qualify for high IQ without some eccentricities.

lol I was on the chess A team in middle school

This is like saying some dude who lettered in football in high school can be compared to Tom Brady

I’m saying he played chess hoping to be able to show off but gave up bc he wasn’t that good at it. I didn’t know chess A-team was a common thing outside uniform suit-wearing private schools.

does anyone get a boner from gnarly X-Rays???

you fucking sickos, gtfo. we dont’ tolerate your intolerance towards injured aggressors


also there’s this story of a totally normal good russian, currently hiding from mobilization in the woods, and documenting it on social media. quite a feat since winter is just about to get very cold there. also, big props to his wife for supporting him.

I feel like if I were trying to hide from being in public to avoid forced conscription… I would not blog about it.

What a trove. Makes me think they ran a bunch by Ukrainian command and allies and deliberately delayed going public with this. Balakliya has been in Ukrainian hands for a while now.

At first I was like what? Nah man, come on.


His remains were reportedly moved by Russian occupying forces in October 2022.


that’s just a goodwill gesture of denazification of kherson.

Found this to be a very insightful discussion (by Steven Kotkin) of how Russia historically and currently views itself and its relation to the world.

i’m guessing average russians care very little about sobchak.

Nah I don’t think they do