Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Ukrainian intelligence on Thursday released an audio recording that appears to capture in disturbing detail the mayhem and internal rifts between Russian troops on the battlefield. In the five-minute clip, described as an intercepted phone conversation between a Russian soldier and his wife, the man says he and the other men in his unit are a comfortable distance from the actual fighting.

“They moved us back to the second line, there’s shooting somewhere ahead of us, but we’re back here for now in the trenches,” he says, before boasting that he’d been lucky and found a “Rosneft jacket covered in blood, but warm.”

“They brought the inmates here… from prison. But they led them somewhere way up front. And we’re sitting here as a retreat-blocking detachment, fuck. If someone runs back, we snuff them out.”

“What a nightmare,” his wife says.

“That’s how we have it set up. We sit on the second line, guarding the first. Behind us, there’s another line. If you go that way, you also won’t make it. So it’s impossible to run away. They shoot their own.”

This seems… uhhhhh inefficient.

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It’s like the opening scene in The Dark Knight.

Cued to the relevant portion


That secondary explosion has me thinking it’s very unlikely nothing of note was blown up.

Good bet “indefinite term” >= Winter.

russian general Lapin, who commanded the central army corp, is either fired, and/or found dead in the moscow river. details pending.

ETA: i think it’s probably fake


sounds like a russian military leadership retirement to me

Must have gotten too close to a window. I hear those are very dangerous in Russia.

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Good piece about the Russian situation during the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the northeast:

Really good thread discussing, perhaps peripherally but discussing nevertheless, the success of Ukraine striking only military targets deep in Russian controlled territory, in contrast with past American and other choices to engage in strategic bombing compaigns against civilian targets or with indiscriminate targeting, supporting the article goofy posted a little while ago.

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The 80 year record seems to be for the division headquarters. Significant portions of the division have deployed to Europe (and just about everywhere else). I don’t think it’s significant.

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wait what? video in the tweet is nuts

This is only a selection from this very interesting thread.

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This all sounds great. But I’m just getting increasingly worried that Putin is just going to say “Fuck this, I’m dropping nukes.”.

Putin’s long game is hoping the Republicans win the midterms, US support for Ukraine dries up, and he’s able to get some kind of peace deal that involves him holding some territorial gains.

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This thread cites another really interesting thread about how fucked up the situation is for the Russians on the ground:

This is 17, but I recommend starting reading at 1.

Saw a world series ad that was anti-biden, anti-ukraine funding. Anyone know who was behind it?