Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I think I’d take the under, but yeah at evens this isn’t remotely close.

IQ is a joke and all but Musk is a attention-seeking grifter, not the genius all his incel fanboys make him out to be. Kasparov has got to be miles ahead


I don’t know if @boredsocial was exaggerating about “50 points,” which would seem to put Musk barely above 100-110.



How is this even a question? For Kasparov to get to be the best chess player in the world he has to be brilliant. Billionaires can be brilliant but they can also be really fucking lucky. There’s a lot of luck in business and finance, there is no luck in chess.

I don’t think World Chess Champions necessarily have to be brilliant, although obviously they’re at the top of the charts for chess-related skills like calculation, spatial recognition, visual memory, etc.

Which is all the stuff the IQ test is trying to measure let’s be clear. The issue with top 5 in the world chess players is that they’re usually very unbalanced humans because they are almost by definition extreme outliers at a very specific type of thought.

But yeah I think Elon is a slightly above average dude who has run hotter than the sun. Perhaps the biggest fish on a heater situation of this century.

But I think Kasparov probably comes in at 170+ IQ. Again what he’s good at is what it’s trying to measure.

Kasparov’s IQ was tested back in the late 80s. His was highish but surprisingly not as high as the numbers being posted here.

Wildly inaccurate.

On right now

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Actually, this isn’t correct. For example, the WAIS-IV measures various skills such as vocabulary,
general information, mental arithmetic, block design, digit recall, picture completion, etc.

A person needs to be somewhat well-rounded and socially adept to score in the top 1/10 of the top 1%, at least with respect to what we call “general intelligence.”

Mostly, but I believe if you max out a section it’s no longer a valid test as well.

That’s crazy. Jayapal obviously went rogue and got a ton of shit for it. Also, the progressive caucus is like 100 members and 30 “signed” the letter, so it’s hardly a letter from the progressive caucus. The photo that WaPo used was from an old event. There was no event associated with “release” of the letter. Will be interested to see what Raskin, Schiff, and AOC say.


I’m fascinated by the withdrawn letter. Interesting tweet thread.

I haven’t given a WAIS or any other IQ test in over 25 years, so I can’t comment on the WAIS-IV administration rules.

Wife says it’s technically invalid, but the data is still useful overall unlike other invalidation things. You can’t compare it perfectly to someone else because you don’t know how high they could have gone.

Note: she hasn’t given one since like 2015 and isn’t 100% sure

I think @Nononocantsleep is our iq guy

According to the internets, he scored 135 on an IQ test. Before I looked it up, I would have said approx. 140 to achieve what he achieved out of chess, since I don’t think there’s much incremental advantage once one’s IQ is more than 2 standard deviations above the mean.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if there are ordinary grandmasters whose IQs are in the Average range.

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