Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

If you’re murdered, what’s the probability you were murdered by a family member?

BellingCat dropped another investigation today. they found a team of definite humanoids following orders, who are doing data crunching for targetting X-101, Kalibr, and Iskander missiles.

the bench at the Hague is going to get pretty long.


Welcome back.

Where do you stand on the question of whether the Russians are bugging out of Kherson?

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The bench could get real long if we want to include USA drone operators that killed 90% civilians.

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go ahead, try to find predator pilots

a large part of them are definitely going to bug out of Kherson or try to. some will already have been captured or surrendered by the time the city is secured by afu. fwiw i don’t think blowing the dam is likely. that is specifically prohibited by geneva convention. it would jeopardize the water canal to crimea. and the last time it was blown up was nazis and commies. no-no-no, i’m not dehumanizing russians. i’m talking about og nazis and commies.


Actual mobilization number much higher than the official number?

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Seems like a reasonable metric. I can confirm my brother got hastily married right before shipping out for the Gulf War. And hastily divorced shortly after returning.

Iranian FM is shocked… SHOCKED to find that droning is going on in here


whattabout uav’s that aren’t predators tho!??

But he’s still better at driving than Tesla’s AI bot.

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Welcoem Back @VoteForSocialists!


Welcome to the forums @danny_hale_in_jail, be sure to check out “About Moderation,” the favorite thread for new posters on Unstuck Politics.


Not sure what to make of this. It’s either an optimistic signal about peace in Ukraine before winter or maybe a very pessimistic signal about war in Taiwan.

On commodities markets more often than not it seems to just be traders doing trader things. It’s kind of alarming how much price manipulation is going on in supposedly transparent commodities markets.

Don’t gamble on commodities kids… you aren’t a big producer of the commodity (they know ahead of the market what supply is doing), a big consumer of the commodity (they know ahead of the market what demand is doing), or on a trading desk for a large institution. You are absolutely the sucker at the table.

Given Musk throwing shade at Kasparov, I’m curious about…

Who likely has the higher IQ?
  • Musk
  • Kasparov

0 voters

This one is not close lol. Over under is like 50 IQ points difference and I’d take the over.

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I know Kasparov’s chess and non-chess work quite well and know how bright he is.

I don’t know enough about Musk to know if people consider him some type of “Renaissance Man”?