Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Fuck Elon. Fucking orc.


Rupar has one too

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Germany has delivered the first Iris-T air defense system that was built to Ukraine. Three more are promised but won’t be available until sometime next year.

Are trenches useless in modern warfare?

They still offer protection from artillery and direct fire?

I guess they help a little, but I don’t expect them to do much other than slightly slow down an advancing army.

It‘s not going to be like WW1 and I don‘t think they are supposed to be much more than keep the soldiers from dying too easily. To stop an advancing army I assume one needs artillery, armored vehicles and just generally lots of firepower.

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The reason for trenches that long is as a barrier for tanks.

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The systems for electronically checking a target to see if it’s friendly should be standardized. Also there aren’t so many aircraft and anti-aircraft systems out there to make simple coordination unmanageable. If you’re flying an aircraft somewhere hostile you should know where your friendly units are and how to contact them. If you have an anti-aircraft system you should know what friendly aircraft might be flying around. That kind of communication is a fairly basic task for a modern, professional army.

I would hope so, but I’ve only been on the air side

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Chemical warfare also.

Patriot systems can definitely be set to fully automatic but I would expect they would only do that if all friendly aircraft in that region have proper friend or foe transponders or know not to go near them.

Looks like the ambitious type.

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My dentist is more thorough.


More than 90,000 troops make up Russia’s “irrecoverable” military losses in Ukraine, as reported by the Russian media project iStories (or Vazhnye Istorii). One of the two sources of this information works in the FSB; the other is a former state security officer.

“Irrecoverable losses” is a category that includes servicemen who were killed, went missing, died from their wounds or were disabled and cannot return to military service.

This new estimate is close to the figures stated earlier by the Pentagon and the British Defense Ministry. Last August, the Pentagon estimated that 70–80 thousand Russian troops had been killed or critically wounded since the start of the war. In September, the British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace stated that the Russian army’s total losses exceeded 80,000; of those, about 25,000 were thought to have been killed.

Putin didn’t even manage to score on a misclick.

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