Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Cue video artifacts experts.

Not sure what to make of it but the debris and “flares” have momentum from right to left. Why isn’t it more symmetrical? Strong wind? If truck, why not stop over a spot to do max damage (dk where that would be but maybe over a support)?

Explosion clearly came from the grassy knoll imo

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BBC reporting (yesterday or day before) that UKR known to have underwater drone tech and that a small bow wave evident near bridge support just before explosion - this theory most likely IMO

A more plausible explanation, he said, is a massive explosion below the bridge - probably delivered using some kind of clandestine maritime drone.

“Bridges are generally designed to resist downwards loads on the deck and a certain amount of side loading from the wind,” he said. “They are not generally engineered to resist upward loads. I think this fact was exploited in the Ukrainian attack.”

Some observers have noted that in one of the other security camera videos, something that looks like the bow wave of a small boat appears next to one of the bridge supports, a split second before the explosion.

What kind of vessel could it be?

Except the footings look undamaged and the other span is scorched from the explosion.

Impossible, the dolphins would have stopped it.


It may not have targetted the footings - it’s the underside of the bridge deck which is the weakest point, being built to sustain downwards pressure (obviously) and sideways wind loads.

More interesting speculation from the guy simplicitus linked.

Maybe they dressed the drone up as a sexy female dolphin


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That’s the ChrisO guy’s favored theory but he’s not saying it’s certain. As he points out, if truck, it may have been smarter to go after the span that boats cross under, which the truck was approaching.

The Russians supposedly have the name of the driver and owner. I’m surprised they don’t already have a video confession.

Robbi Jade Lew bombed the Kerch Bridge





Not entirely sure what I’m watching here but they seem pretty happy!



They basically blew an incoming missile out of the sky that was probably going to kill quite a few people, and I assume the odds of hitting it with whatever he was using were not good. That’s probably like hitting a full court shot to save tens if not hundreds of lives.

I think part of the reason they didnt bomb the infrastructure so much is because they want it. This stuff is valuable, and they aim to take them along with the other resources of ukraine.

I also think they probably havent got that many working missiles.


So Putin really fired 80 cruise missiles? Aren’t those pretty expensive? Was that 1 billion of his military budget to do something that will achieve no real military objective and basically strengthen the resolve of Ukraine people? Because I can’t imagine the lights staying off for weeks and weeks after this and it isn’t a prelude to ground troops swooping into Kiev tomorrow

Immorality aside seems like not the best use of resources and is probably annoying his commanders in the field even more

Really feels like the move of a guy on tilt


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