Ukraine War: Discussion

Please hold for moved posts.

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Putin announced reprisals. Dictators are particularly viscious when they think their own survival is at stake.

Come on, man. Are they going after electrical infrastrusture buried in playgrounds and housed in apartments? What do you think the purpose of day 1 attacks on electricity are?


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I’m not a military guy but better reasons to knock out electricity at the start of a war, especially if you hope to win quickly, might include: psychological (“shock and awe”), to disrupt command and control, and to make logistics more difficult. It’s not primarily to terrorize the general populace or make their lives more difficult.

Today’s attacks come seven months into a war Putin is losing. He’s hitting places hundreds of miles from where fighting is going on. He’s doing it immediately after an event that personally embarrassed him. Electrical or not, he’s going after targets that aren’t going to gain him a military advantage to generate fear and misery and satisfy his own and his supporter’s desire for revenge. I’m sure as hell not going to take Putin’s word on targeting priorities when he’s bombed churches, schools, apartment buildings, and shelters from one end of Ukraine to the other.


and Syria and Chechnya. It’s almost like there’s a pattern here.


Yeah! What’s so hard to understand about illegitimate wars having legitimate targets? OTOH, I see an opportunity to justify a bunch of shitty things I did when I was a stupid sociopathic pre-teen.

Maybe there’s something in the AM thread or something but this seems unprovoked and pretty unchill.

Yeah, 6 months of Putin apologia is pretty unchill; read what he’s saying in his last few posts and if you’re not repulsed to the point of saying ‘fuck off’, I can’t help you out.

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Except that Russia is engaged in an illegal war of aggression and Ukraine is not, and while kudos to you for admitting this, that is highly relevant to the analysis.

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Keed’s idiotic trolling is easier to ignore if you just replace the word Putin in your mind with Hitler. They’re basically equal on the evil scale.


Because there are no “legitimate targets” when you are conducting an illegal war of aggression. It’s an illegal war of aggression!

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Bombing a kindergarten is obviously far worse? Beating the shit out of someone in a bar fight and murdering your wife in cold blood are both illegal, but one is worse than the other.

Edit: This conversation should probably be moved to the Ukrapto thread though.


Actually, under the Geneva Conventions, I’m pretty sure it is.

It was a difficult decision but after much thought and an enormous quantity of soul searching I arrived at the conclusion that a predawn raid on a bridge over which countless munitions and troops had come to invade my country was more legitimate than targeting multiple city centre installations at rush hour in a country I’ve illegally invaded.

Touch and go, but I did get there in the end.


Outrageous to compare Putin to Hitler and also I’m against arming Ukranians to prevent their own genocide because Putin might respond by ending humanity in a nuclear Holocaust.

I am very smart!

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This should be excised to the other thread, but this is totally out to lunch. The Geneva Conventions don’t even address the idea of aggressive war, which is prohibited elsewhere in international law. They are solely concerned with the conduct of war. Do you really think international law should hold soldiers criminally liable for war crimes for conducting legitimate military operations because they failed to figure out that the rationale for war they were given by their government was bullshit? Like just execute every single Iraq War soldier for war crimes? Wat.