Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Aside from the inevitable part, it seems pretty reasonable to me to look at the West’s meddling in Ukraine the past 15 years and think it’s unlikely the West has Ukranians’ safety and quality of life anywhere near the top of their priorities for their interventions in the region.

What is your theory on what the West wanted from Ukraine these past 15 years and why the West was wrong to want that?

He can no longer answer as dissent is not allowed


Lucille will not be joining us for the rest of his life.

Oh good, thought the dissent level was getting a little high in here.

Seems like a pretty aggressive ban, but I don’t know the back story.

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That was both my point and the point of the article?

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God I loath these guys

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Most of us do appreciate your posting in this thread, which has generally been a fantastic source of news, and confusing maps with lots of arrows. Your optimism is refreshing.


Ah yes, the party that spent twenty years dicking around in Iraq is very worried about our foreign aid budget.

think that was back in 19 dickety two

i mean japan and afghanistan and even chechnya (and finland and ukraine) were major military debacles in different ways. only war i can consider staying “small ball” is georgia 2008.


BTW here’s a podcast giving a short overview of recent Russian military adventures


i considered it, definitely not the usual russian invasion. they went in for money and rotated their troops for experience. they did not capture territory by themselves though. they basically used syrian foot soldiers the same way they are using ldnr conscripts right now.


Luhansk/Donetsk People‘s Republics

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