Log of Key Moderator Actions

Banned Ben Shapiro’s long lost brethern who is a scientist, part of the Taliban, and an inquisitor. Please find a different hobby.


I took this a step further and deleted the accounts.

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Banned Jbro for 3 4 days for this post along with his general body of work in that thread today.

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Silenced Microbet and CN for 24 hours for being overly combative while basically discussing posts history. First time using this feature so my apologies if I clicked the wrong buttons.


Updated the Log of Moderators thread to remove references to term limits and rotations.


Permanently banned Lucille_Ion for having no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community.


Karen is our next contestant on “no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community” permanent bans.


Silenced Keed and CN for 24 hours.

None of the posts are blatantly ban worthy on their own but they aren’t conducive to healthy discussion.

We have had numerous historical bad blood beefs bleed into topics that I don’t find healthy for the forum. I’ll be issuing escalating bans to any user that shows a continued issue with this.

Keep posts on topic and relevant. Poking other users to get a rouse will be moderated.

Suspended @Tilted for week and asked Spider to demod me. Tired of dealing with everything and need a break. :+1:


I edited

accusations by a bigoted prick

out of a post in the About Moderation thread instead of moderating the user who made the post.

On further review, SenorKeeed and CaffeineNeeded have been unsilenced. I will reiterate Tilted’s request to everyone:

We have had numerous historical bad blood beefs bleed into topics that I don’t find healthy for the forum. I’ll be issuing escalating bans to any user that shows a continued issue with this.

Keep posts on topic and relevant. Poking other users to get a rouse will be moderated.


Suspended VFS for two weeks per their request.

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Suspended Jbro until next week for roughly 18 hours and deleted the post that caused the suspension.

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Silenced 6ix for 24 hours for continuing to allege that other posters were conspiring to cheat him


Banned a new gimmick account that appeared to be 6ix

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Silenced Jalfrezi for one day for name calling

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Reversed after Jalfrezi clarified that GMAN is the handle of Garret Louie

Deleted posts accusing users of cheating and surrounding discussion


I deleted 2 posts in the Ukraine thread instead of banning Jbro for a week as SenorKeeed suggested.

MaxCut silenced for a day

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