Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

yeah, it’s the saem law he talked about, but paragraph 7 of it was “secret”. apparently 300k is just the initial mobilization, but they want to be able to re-up whenever

3:1 is US army goal/doctrine. lol at russian doctrine.

very worried for a few people i know over there - I worked with this really hilarious russian engineer for 2 years, but he’s in moscow, so I think he should be ok for now

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Gonna go out on a limb and suggest that being a support person isn’t something you’re just born knowing how to do. “Yo, Slava, that T-80 tank needs an oil change. Hop to it!”


Russia has a population of 144 million. How could a call-up of 300k ensnare this many people?

I imagine most support troops actually have specialized knowledge and require training though. Like, you can throw anyone on n the front line with a gun and tell them to stand there and get shot out, but I don’t think you can order someone with no training to repair a truck engine.

Edit: My pony needs an engine replacement.

Looks like Russian mail order brides are back on the menu boys


I demand keed come and be outraged about this post right now.

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except when they invaded poland and were clear aggressors


Getting more and more like Downfall


something Nicholas did too

that did not end well.

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Valid point.

Unfortunately Nicholas did not have a button he could press that ended the world.

I’m just really hoping putin waits til after Andor season finishes before wiping out the planet


It’s a lot easier to be the aggressor when you’ve largely subsumed the enemy force already.

I don’t quite see how this works. They’re hinterlands. There are fewer people in the first place and they’ll be harder to round up. Like when ship’s captains wanted to Shanghai some sailors, they sent goons to the saloons on the docks, not off to scavenge bodies from farms.

I’m sure Lincoln would have liked to actively direct the fighting when McClellan was in charge, but he settled for hanging out near the telegraph office waiting for news.

Defending the recruitment offices could provide valuable training for new recruits.

That seems an odd thing to call unfortunate.

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