Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

1500 people arrested in russia during protests yesterday. apparently 50.1% are women. the men however are posting pictures that they were presented with mobilization papers. lol. that’s a great army you got. chechen tiktok battalion, wagner convicts, and people who actively protested against going to war. better hope none of them will kill any lieutenants

oh yeah, this news isn’t reported as confirmed yet, and it’s overshadowed by the prisoner swap. but pro ru telegrams are saying AFU took Liman. counteroffensive is still going on. we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

New podcast on partial mobilization with Mike Kofman and Rob Lee.

I wish there was some verification of the videos

They didn’t think the snow leopard would eat their faces.


Anonymous hacked Ru MoD and published a list of 306k names, allegedly those selected for mobilization.

dear leader, it is day 212 of special military operation. the special military mobilization is going great.

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life comes at you fast


Apparently Russians train with their units in the field. There is no camp for them to learn basic training anything before getting sent into the field unlike the US and others. So all these people are going to be immediately thrown into Ukraine without any training

How much you want to bet he keeps tweeting the patriot MARA shit from safely across the border?

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Throw millions into a meat grinder has essentially been Russian military strategy for over a century. It worked for them in WW2, of course that was a defensive war.

i think more likely it is a fake account from a troll factory

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He could recant and say it was just an act to keep the authorities off his back or score with the ladies or something.

We all imagine that all these conscripts are going to the frontline to be cannon fodder, but I think I read there are 3 support personnel for every combat person. It’s possible they have been training the support personnel to be combat personnel and the new conscripts will be more of the support variety.

Pulling all this out of my butt though.

I guess it depends on what’s meant by “support”. In some areas I imagine this would require even more training than it would take just to man the front lines, but I guess if you’re including stuff like working the mess hall, then sure, there are plenty of jobs where you just drop some flunkies in and they’re good to go.