Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

an army of 300k looking like this. oh vlad, you dumb ■■■■■ the time to go fuck yourself is fast approaching



not quite, but very close. the other one was June 23 1941. there was also a shadow mobilization during the Afghan war, which was never made official.

let’s look at a viz

rut roh

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there are protests right now in many russian cities, but the numbers are still very small. lots of video of detentions. and … they don’t compare to the iranian protests.

it’s depressing to watch, two nations under totalitarian dictators. one wants actual freedom, and the other one is afraid.

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Yeah, that’s the overwhelming emotion I’m feeling reading these updates, just sadness for the citizens and anger at the people in charge of these countries.

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Best kind of training, on the job training.

i guess i have my next book to read

Ukraine returned 215 captured fighters in a swap. among them 108 Azov soldiers and medics.

update: first news was that russian pilots may have been exchanged, but later info says apparently they were exchanged for 55 fighters and Medvechuk. pro-putin oligarch and pro-russia party leader.

Elite title change.


Orc is no longer ironic/meme-y?

I’d much rather celebrate the increasing ‘suicides’ among senior Russian figures who had endeavoured to profit off Ukraine’s suffering than some poor, albeit maybe brainwashed, Russian conscripts getting called up to no doubt get absolutely rekt by a far better equipped, better trained, higher morale army. As well as celebrating Ukraine’s victory!

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They can put a bullet in their commanding officer.


Just like in Iraq and Afghanistan? I don’t want to start some sideshow but ultimately points like this are intellectual exercises, as virtuous as they might seem. You just don’t really see mutinies (for noble reasons at least). People are drawn to authority, in every country.

there are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world.


How many soldiers did Russia already have in Ukraine? I mean I gotta guess with the morale, ‘training’, dismal equipment standards etc of the new conscripts this is going to be a pretty woeful new fighting force. If they are increasing the amount of soldiers active massively then maybe there is a big impact but I’m unsure of that.

Let‘s pick this back up when we see how many of them stop any of the killing, raping, torturing, pillaging and plundering.

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I’m sure many of them are wonderful people. Same with Germans in WWI and WWII. However, all options have been considered and there are no available options on the table other than 1) killing them or 2) allowing them to take over Ukraine. Even if I feel bad about killing them, it’s the only potential way this will end.

I don’t care even if they had no chance other than to be one of Putin’s shock troopers in this cruel world. However, many did have such a chance. They could have gotten out or resisted or mutilated themselves. Should they be called orcs or invaders? Call them upright citizens and good people for all I care–but kill them.

Yeah great, not denying that will happen as I’m sure it’s being encouraged from everyone from Putin down. Humans in general are also just horrific. Aggressive war is sickening and I’m sure similar is happening with every invading army on earth right now (in the wars nobody cares about). I hope the lolICC actually imparts some justice if this ever ends.

My point was that I’m just cheering on the palace coup (which as posters have rightly pointed out is probably, sadly, less likely than military victory) more than the bloody war on the ground which is invariably uglier for all involved and goes longer (bigger window for the inevitable crimes against civilians). Don’t really see any point in revelling in more soldiers joining the war from a Russian (individual not statist) perspective or from any Ukrainian perspective.

gmafb, russians demonized themselves

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I expect that quite a few Russian officers end up getting fragged by these new conscripts and would love to know how many already died from friendly fire or accidents. The best comparison is Vietnam as that was also a war fought by conscripts where the population was not in full support. It definitely happened there and that was in a war where the US in most battles had the upper hand in equipment. It is much more likely to happen when an officer tries to send troops up against not only a more motivated enemy but also one that is better equipped.