Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

This is the 3rd time, Surf. Do better.

my russian friend thinks he may get conscripted, I hope he doesn’t, I don’t know the mortality rates of russian troops going in but it cant be great

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I apparently am not very good at getting around paywalls. I tried the way back machine but, at least to me, didn’t have the full article

Nevermind I found a way

Can someone rainbow text this?

Because the common theme off of all “anarchism” sects is a failure to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. A key feature in functioning democracies.

US democracy can’t even protect the majority from the tyranny of the minority.


Twitter OSI is making a big deal of the fact that Russia is drafting people from St Petersburg instead of people the various outlying regions who usually wind up doing the dirty work.

ACism encompasses what like 5% of all anarchism?


This strategy tends to work a lot better in defense of one’s own homeland rather than in the false hope of conquest.

The vast majority of the casualties have been borne by the hinterlands. Mothers in St. Petersburg and Moscow losing their sons could cause substantial unrest.

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Defenestration is old news. All the cool kids are falling down stairs.

Russian news outlet Izvestia, citing an unnamed source, reported that Gerashchenko “fell from a great height” and careened down several flights of stairs. He was reportedly pronounced dead at the scene.

lol after talking to him a bit more it seems like anyone getting conscripted is going to immediately try to escape into the woods


I believe they call that move the Ivana.

Russians mobilizing

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The US is not a “functioning” democracy.

Small extra bit of irony to use music of “The Doors” there.

russian border with Belarus and Georgia are also packed with people trying to cross. lots of faces of men 25-50yo.

also Ben Hodges, former commander of US troops in europe is dropping bombs on twitter, and predicting AFU victory by summer 2023. he also opined (according to UA telegrams) that if RU uses a nuclear device (i think he meant tactical), then US will destroy the russian Black Sea fleet. :vince4:


Now we see the violence inherent in the system.


The number of troops called up is apparently based on the region and the governor and can still remain low in “favored” regions.

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