Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Lol, are we really doing a repackaged anarcho-capitalism thing 15 years later? Everything old is new again. Ron Paul 2024!

There are non-capitalist anarchists out there.

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He could also just turn the meat grinder off, declare victory and go the ER. He won’t, but he could.

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Are the reserves supposed to win where the professional soldiers couldn’t? Seems like this does nothing but rally public sentiment against Putin.

oof , putin trying to pull a fast one AGAIN. a russian legal expert, who actually reads the laws and orders that ru government passes didn’t find any “partial”-ity to mobilization. apparently, putin said “partial” in the speech, but the text has only one limit on who can be mobilized. people working in defense jobs (eg weapon factories) are exempt while they are at that job. everyone else can be called up.


ru stock market started a partial denazification.


Russian “reservists” do not have training.

They will find poor Russians all over, give them a few weeks of fake training, and send them to the front.

Russia’s completely corrupt infrastructure will not enable them to send 300K highly trained and motivated troops to the front.

300K men will be fed into the meat grinder of the existing BTG system. They need to gear their entire economy into a war economy to produce enough to overwhelm the enemy, but that would take at least a year and Putin keeps wanting to win a short term battle.

On top of that, 300K is not enough. They need 3M to win this war. Partial mobilization is just a partial birth at this point.

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Yeah this doesn’t seem like it’s going to work. The time to do this was 200 days ago so the first new trained troops could start arriving at the front now. Instead they took every experienced soldier they have and threw them into the war… which they lost. They also lost a substantial portion of their modern war materials.

This is for sure too little too late. I say that as someone who has studied way more military history and theory than is healthy lol.

Seems like they’re going to try the WWII strategy of sending massive waves of unequipped untrained guys at the enemy. I really hope it’s a bluff or this situation could get even more horrible.

For the Russians yeah. That’s not a viable military strategy in 2022 vs modern drones and artillery. They’ll never get close enough to the Ukrainians to matter.

Are they less racist than the capitalist ones? Because the common theme off of all “anarchism” sects is a failure to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. A key feature in functioning democracies.

I’m old enough to remember when all the “anarchists” turned out to just be racist “bootlickers” all along.

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You don’t know what you’re talking about and you refuse to listen to anyone who has tried to point you in the right direction.


You should probably start with the Monty Python scene that you’ve probably seen without understanding.

I’m not convinced you know that much about different flavors of left-anarchism.

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this forum may be an anarcho-syndicalist commune, but i will definitely start repressing people if tempers can’t cool down