Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

My summary:

Arguing that Putin’s next move is not Russian general mobilization but intensifying on-going efforts to scrape the bottom of the barrel for volunteers and mercenaries while justifying and expanding his use of conscripts and instituting preventive measures against resistance to serve, desertion, and surrender. That and the usual veiled/empty threats against Ukraine and the West. A half-measure doomed to fail.

Maybe one of you rich people with a subscription will look at the article and see if the ragtag army they are talking about are anarchists.

Yeah, seems like Putin still wants St Pete and Moscow untroubled. I think he’s just going to declare martial law on border regions and force them to fight more or something. Mass mobilization just doesn’t make sense.

The audio link goes further into the article and starts talking about a Solar Power installer in the fight. Nice.


His dick is caught in a meat grinder and his choice is amputation or hit the ON button.

Nothing is as unifying for fascists, liberals, and communists as getting together to make sure that at the very least, people are ruled over.

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You quoted in its entirety the only part of either article that addresses their role in the present conflict. Good for those people, and good for their forebears 100 years ago doing good work, also. But your argument that they are not afforded due valor for the present conflict is still sorely lacking.

At least communists, fascists, liberals, nationalists, socialists, and theocrats can all get people to show up to meetings on time.

When you’re "at least"ing fascists it’s…not a surprise at all.

Thinking about some of the things that have happened inside Russia…it’s probably not really possible to find anything definitive because people responsible would be killed, but there are of course Anarchists in Russia too.

they are not

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Any sort of revolution is very likely going to be backed by some sort of oligarchy in Russia. GMAFB with this anarchist stuff.

russian anarchists are essentially “opposition within the system”, (системная оппозиция), like many other fringe and extremist factions. gru keeps them alive to be used when they need them. they even cultivate them in neighboring countries. they take many forms, from dugin faux-intellectualism and zhirinovsky’s clown fascism, to violent soccer ultras with seemingly no political motives. yet they all are allowed to exist as long as they sow discord within opposition at putin’s convenience .

ETa: that’s the point of publishing an anarchist warning in newsweek. it signals to ru population that if putin is gone, anarchism is going to start pogroms. so better stick with the devil you know.

eta2: makhno is not a celebrated character in russia. mixed at best. while free cossack cities was a neat historical concept, i don’t know how one can impose it on the majority who conceivably not anarchists


any sort of revolution in russia is going have to fracture the siloviki and the army, possibly into more than a few allegiances. it’s kinda hard at the top, they are all handpicked loyalists. my guess is mutiny, strikes, refusals, and insubordination needs to reach relatively high levels. analogous to revolt on the Potemkin, but imho it would need to spreads to other units.

Meh yeah I suppose that’s right for a true revolution. I was thinking of the Putin dies mysteriously and someone new is put in place by former backers.

a palace coup is quite a gamble for everyone within reach of replacing putin. they would have knives out for each other. plus they are all dumb as bricks, alcoholics, and those who are more cowardly have few options to flee due to sanctions. lol. couldn’t have happened to a stupider glob of russcists.

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So a special mobilization operation. And the same nuclear threat he’s made several times already. Dude needs fresh material.

Sounds like more people, but I doubt in time to beat winter or the mud that will come after, and a lot of those more people will be quite unhappy to go. The supplies and logistics aren’t there and someone needs to staff the country. Russia seems a lot like two cities, lots of wasteland, and a bunch of poor ethnics who’ve never seen a washing machine.

As far as the nuke threats, fuck him.

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Hope they weren’t planning on Christmas at home.

Don’t send the middle class.

ha, contractniki are so fucked. can you imagine signing up for a 3 month tour in may, when it was all roses on tv, then going through deadliest summer campaign for russians in three quarters of a century? and then this crazy old grandpa just extended your contract indefinitely. sheeeiiiitt. ахуел дед.

wagner convicts are probably realizing they have barely any hope staying alive for 6 months, but they are also probably not to be released free at the end. it’d be hard not to shoot commanders as soon as they give you a gun. maybe we will see a Battleship Ptemkin reenactment.

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