Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


i can’t find a version of that video with sound. although i’d certainly like to watch it

i am old enough to remember when very progressive posters on UP thought stalin was such a great leader he made it law to execute soldiers if they were retreating.



Never get out of the boat. Absolutely goddamn right.

pile on another war crime. Eight Ru missiles hit the Karachunovskoe reservoir dam, and the water level of the Ingulets river going through Krivyj Rig is starting to rise. looks like the “target” is far enough from anything that there was no anti-missile defenses. leak is likely slow right now, but still very worrying. i did estimate that a nuclear accident as possible, but did not think of a dam failure.

ETA: actually looks like the flooding in Krivyj Rih is already significant. kremlebots are absolutely cheering it on.

the killings will continue until morale improves


Worked for Stalin!

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also worked for stalin: lend-lease

ok i did finally open my tg and watched the video reposted to about 500 channels. it’s sort of telling that he feels completely safe and friendly towards the prisoners (he was one, for assault and a sex crime). but, there are several things he is “offering” which are clear empty promises, including [paraphrasing] “don’t surrender – you’ll each have two grenades to detonate before you are captured”. jlawok.gif

some prisoners are clearly going to take the “deal”, but i am skeptical that 10k prisoners are currently serving. that would be impressive to pull off, even for Wagner. that’s a logistical challenge too big for the modern gulag, and if you follow the news, half of colony recruits are likely dead outside Bakhmut right now.

good thread


This is exactly what I thought.

Probably don’t want to call it an assassination attempt until the motive of the driver is clear.

Super interesting to me:

Basically entire russian military structure seems rotten based on this. Thread has wild stories in it.


propaganda comes back at you fast

and once again this reporter’s analysis pony would be even more alive in august and september of 2022 if they just listened to navalny team’s take on the state of the army from two years ago.

Everything is going to plan. There are no questions or concerns, trust me.

Probably has some concerns about that order of T-80 tanks.

whoa. he even called it “ukrainian crisis”. can you start to believe what fell, vlad?

it’s going to be a while until we stop getting news like this. only a fraction of these graves have been found.

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Idk shit but two Russia-allied countries on Xi’s border going at it might be cause for some questions and concerns.

They see that Russia is bogged down. Never been a better time to make a move against it.