Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

It doesn’t officially exist anymore, according to wiki. If you’re a Scientologist, it’s a little more complicated.

In 1968 L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology, began writing that all of the world’s governments had been taken over by SMERSH and that the organization was controlling the world through psychiatry, which the Church opposes.

That guy in the Julia Davis video realizing that even his own 10 year old sons are just more canon fodder as far as his fellow pundits are concerned reminds me of this scene from The Battle of the Bulge. I almost feel sorry for him.


Not sure about this, but big if true:

Russian families fleeing makes sense. Why keep them within artillery range when they can flee back to Russia. Don’t believe the soldiers are fleeing.

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More rightwing coping:

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lots of russian units retreated, and some surrendered. the speed of the retreat meant that they left behind a lot of equipment, but you are right it’s not at all the same as flight.

this is absolutely surreal, thanks

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wtf this dude is straight up on putin’s payroll, there’s basically no other explanation for this clip. extremely baghdad bob energy



this macgregor dude has apparently made appearances on RT during the original crimea invasion to spread propaganda

Wtf is the kill list he mentions? That Ukraine wants to kill him and others?

Pretty sure it’s this:

This guy seems like a swell fellow: Macgregor has also stated that martial law should be instituted on the U.S.-Mexico border and argued for the extrajudicial execution of those who cross the border at unofficial ports of entry.

I mean I can understand people arguing for border control, but it’s hard to believe that somebody can express views like this and not only still appear on TV but be considered for (and fill one as an advisor) high level US govt positions.


Stuff I saw said power lost due to yesterday’s attacks had been restored but it’s not clear what the overall situation is. Like the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant is shut down now and for the foreseeable future afaik.

Not sure how credible this is.

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nothing about any of this is easy to believe anymore, lol

Russians yesterday retreated from their positions north of Kharkiv, which should put that city outside of artillery range. Believe that was an organized withdrawal rather than the rout to the SE.

had to read up on this. thanks