Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I wonder if Trump lured Putin into an unintentional trap in Ukraine by acting like the US didn’t give a shit. Think Putin would have invaded if Hillary won in 2016? No way. Thus, Trump is the real hero for having deceived Putin.

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I don’t think so. Russia started this shit when Obama was President. Seems more like a continuation of a long term plan at dominance

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Yeah, I think Putin just fucked up.

He should have gone in when Trump was in office. I’m sure there was some reason he didn’t but I’m not sure what it is.

Sadly I feel that Western support is more contingent on Ukraine showing martial ability than Russian war crimes.


There were several articles detailing how Russia decoupled its economy from the West, orientated more towards Asia, and became more self-sufficient to mitigate the impact of sanctions. That project might not have been far enough along in say 2018.

Thanks. I wasn’t clear on how much planning/prep they had done in that regard.

My guess would be that the plan was that trump would have done something major to undermine NATO in a second term

He’d have to have been pretty confident that Trump would win re-election to play it that way. I don’t know how he could have been. So still seems like a bit of a fuck up from his perspective.

as you can see a lot the decoupling (or “import-o-zamescheniye”) was actually bullshit as well

This is going to get worse and worse for Russia. Ukrainian artillery gets closer and Russia is more exposed going backwards. /armchairgeneral

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Twitter war people say activity of partisans also likely to increase.

Just by looking at maps I assume Ukraine is going to quickly try and go South to Mariupol to completely cut the Russians in the South off. Is this realistic? How long before we hear about a massive battle there?

It’s realistic… but I haven’t seen any reason to think there will be a major battle. Russia is running hard and haven’t yet formed a line to defend. Hard to fight when you’re leaving all your equipment behind.

two three weeks, as arestovich likes to say. actually noone knows. conceivably in the war games starting with the kharkiv and kherson offensives, you have a program maximum after which ua thinks about starting another offensive somewhere else. it’s okay to think that maybe kharkiv actually achieved it. but kherson hasn’t.

Sounds like time to GTFO if you can. Though from what I hear, they don’t much care for traitors in Russia either.

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So obviously I’m nowhere near military anything, but it sure seems like warfare between two modern militaries doesn’t allow for disorganized retreats. Too much is logistics and supply. I think total collapse in Ukraine is completely possible, if not likely, at least beyond to the February borders.

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Wait, SMERSH is a real thing? I just assumed it was a made up thing that only existed in the James Bond universe.