Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Don’t really follow this thread so maybe you’ve been talking about it all day but just saw this was BREAKING NEWS!!!

A continued L O L at people stanning for Mersheamier.



80’s movies did a poor job preparing me for seeing the Russian army getting run over by a satellite province.

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Idk about a potential offensive into Crimea but with no land bridge and no bridge bridge, they can certainly make it very tough for Russians there.

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I do think there’s probably a difference between the Russian army and the Soviet Army. The Russian government is just massively corrupt at every level. It’s basically just an organized crime ring that’s running a country. There’s not a ton of incentive to properly equip/train soldiers, etc, when you can just skim off the top and do the minimum. The Soviet government had corruption too, but not at this level.


Weird, because everything else I was conditioned to believe from 80s movies turned out to be perfectly accurate.


Soviet Army was full of Ukranians afaik.


Also that.

russian bias in video games is well established

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that’s essentially asking whether it’s realistic that russian government corruption also ate the entire peninsula of Crimea. yes, yes it is realistic

The Soviet government was crazy corrupt as well.

The Russians have always been tactical fucking morons. They only won ww2 because Hitler was dumber on an even grander scale. They just got their ass beat until the Germans ran out of supplies though.

Western aid has made it so that it doesn’t have a massive resource and technical advantage anymore, so they’re fucked again. Even when they were advancing, they were using WW2 tactics of massive generalized artillery strikes followed by poorly coordinated tanks/infantry attacks behind it.

The thing that has struck me the most is how superior the model of how NATO armies are structured, which gives huge amounts of decision making to NCOs. It’s quite remarkable at how good some random Sergeant with eyes on the ground is at figuring out how to achieve an objective. Almost like they have a lot of training and their ass is on the line.


more crazy claims are being made by proAFU telegrams. that they entered Belgorod region territory (via girkin) AND separately the Donetsk Airport (via UA MP).

i mean, yesterday’s claims like that, eg re: Izyum, all confirmed as true today.

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Yeah per google maps that’s a 2 hour drive to Russia from there. I assume they’ll push south from there to cut off Maripul. Sure seems like a rout

Some quality coping going on over at cp. At first they were all like

Now they are all like


Tapatalk sig really makes this one.


On the one hand it’s easy to mock CP for being pro-Russia. On the other hand, there were several members of this very forum, in the predecessor to this very thread, doing the exact same thing a few months ago, so I guess it’s not shocking. Hell, the original OP of the predecessor to this thread was Mershemear Russian apologia.

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At this pace, they have time to sack Moscow before winter sets in.

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I know very little about all this but plenty of positive noises coming out of Donetsk atm