Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


So on a scale of one to ten, how scared are we that Putin is just gonna say “Fuck this shit, I’m bringing out the nukes”.

Only about a 2 right now. I can’t see him dropping nukes and maintaining ties with China and India.

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any hint of radioactive pollution blowing towards europe, and i think they’ll invoke article 5.

Obviously he’d happily wipe out the planet before surrendering. But the hope has to be that when the time comes he doesn’t have the support to actually do it. It’s not like he can just mash the red button himself. Fingers crossed I guess!

it wasn’t just rightists. roger waters tried to say that the war would be over tomorrow if biden told zelensky to negotiate. heh. well, i guess he was half right. war would be over if biden let zelensky start the counteroffensive.

there’s a stop the war party?

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Yeah the Stop The War coalition is basically a “Persuade Ukraine to surrender” movement and it makes me want to punch myself in the face for supporting Corbyn. I mean, I still maintain he was easily the better choice over Johnson in 2019 and I remain a fan of his domestic manifesto but the man is a fucking clown when it comes to foreign policy.


i have a go bag in my trunk and a plan to gtfo from major cities as fast as possible if i had to lol

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the “stop the war coalition” was formed in 2001 in response to war on terror stuff. They’ve been right much more often than they’ve been wrong.

The top banner on their website right now also calls for russian troops out of Ukraine.


Ending this thing is going to be tough. If you’re Ukraine, you’ve always got to wonder that any cease in hostility that Russia agrees to is just going to be completely ignored by Putin when he feels like it’s advantageous to have another go. Putin will give no fucks about any treaty that is signed, so you’ve basically got to assume you are in a constant state of war.

Any peace deal with Putin still in power will almost certainly be guaranteed by the US/NATO.

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Not mean to him.

He uncovered NATO MAPS that had tank lines drawn all the way to Moscow!

The horror!

You mean like the previous guarantee when Ukraine gave up their nukes? Only actually joining NATO would work and not sure if NATO is willing to do that. Ukraine just needs to be supplied with enough weapons that Russia understands a second attempt will go even worse than this one. Give them a bunch of those long range HIMARS and train their pilots on modern NATO planes after a peace treaty is signed would probably be enough.


Russia has been fighting like a buffoon army since Feb 24.

Ukraine has been fighting Art of War since beginning:

  1. never engaging russia where it is strong.

  2. defend cities where you have advantage. Abandon when about to lose.

  3. hit logistics convoys over and over and over. Not the main army.

  4. blow up bridges in Kherson, let Russian army bleed out in Kherson.

  5. keep talking about a counterattack in Kherson. Do a small skirmish here and there in Kherson district to make Russians send more troops to Kherson.

  6. use himars to blow up command centers and ammunition depots.

  7. hit russia where they least expect, Kharkiv district.

  8. never sending Ukraine troop armies en masse to their deaths needlessly.

This has been a masterclass on warfare.

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Until Putin is dead that will hang on them, and even after death.

The only way to endure future is to continue smashing Russian army.

Trump Conservatives are pro putin because trump got impeached over a failed zelensky blackmail and they are butt hurt about it.

These same retards would be cheering on slavery in 1858.