Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Was that ever confirmed? I haven‘t seen any pictures of the wrecks.

A lot of them are Putin simps, and I’ve never seen them this shook. Even worse than Trump losing to Biden. Even with all the far right propaganda, it’s obvious this is not going well for Russia.

i think i misspoke last night. the initial assault on feb 24th was via helicopters bringing several hundred airborne troops into antonov airport, followed by another vdv battle in hostomel airport. the best available photo evidence is that many vdv eventually perished, but the airstrip was never secured on feb24, so IL-76s or whatever never attempted a landing. one IL may have been damaged and crashed on the way back, although my recollection is from telegrams like girkin or grey zone. the other reported downing of aircraft other than Su or helicopters was never confirmed.

Worth being skeptical of, but wow if true:

you cannot belief what fell.

various channels are reportinf anywhere between 400 and 700 sq km as retaken territory

Is Xi still going to meet with this loser Putin next week? Doesn’t seem like the best moment to endorse Russia “has lost nothing”.

also separately on the Kherson front, AFU has retaken Possad-Pokrovsky, through the line of defense held by the RU 20th motorized division, which i believe is one of the units brought into kherson region for reinforcements

depending on further progress, putin might skip the g20

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Well, it took them a lot longer than I guessed earlier, but yeah, if they take Kupyansk, Russian forces are in for a world of pain.

some truly insane FPS battle video is starting to surface

This is along the Mykolaiv-Kherson road, effectively a frontal assault on what should be the most heavily defended part of that front.

Says it’s private.

ahh i think you have to join the channel to see. oh well.

Sure. It’s common to attack the flanks of advances that leave the enemy on 3 sides. There were a lot of Russians in that region as of before the Kherson push.

malcolm nance is all about this life

i was able to rehost the videos on a public channel

IMAGE 2022-09-08 12:12:46


Good map: