Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

This is probably less of a concern here because Ukraine seems to have blown out a pretty wide chunk of the front lines, and the forces that are making narrower penetrations are going deeper are moving along the main roads. Most of the Russian forces are probably in front of the Ukrainians rather than behind.

a couple of videos of civilians meeting AFU during the counteroffensive through Balakliya and onto Kupyansk.


I can’t help but notice that Ukraine broke through the Russian line at almost exactly the same time Billie Eilish joined the fight.



phillips obrien can’t belief what fell

In case you’re interested in the Russian take - all is going well.

Its making me laugh so hard to see all these news outlets like Al Jazeera and CNN and even Russian Telegram war correspondents reporting huge Ukranian advances of 50KM in the North East and the capture of towns like Balakliya and talk of Izyum to follow. What these moronic journalists dont realise is that this a DELIBERATE ruse by Russia to force the Ukranians forward, so that we can then encircle them and wipe them out. All the so-called "gains’ made in recent days by Ukraine were fully planned by Russia as part of a trap - we lead the UkraNazis to think they have made huge progress, have effected a ‘blood bath of Russian troops’ and captured many Russian prisoners - including a Lt-Colonel - but in actual fact this is ALL PART OF A BRILLIANT AND ELABORATE DECEPTION! Russia will lure the Ukranians forward and then when they over extended strike back and reconquer a portion of the territories they are currently ‘giving up’. RUSSIA IS WINNING!!!

Supposedly the Russians knew Ukraine was building up in the area (and did not/could not do anything to prepare). If they knew that much about what Ukraine was doing, you’d think the Ukrainians would likewise know what the Russians were up to and if they were potentially exposing themselves to a counterattack, especially since their allies can provide satellite and other intel,

ok let’s see how it develops


i see your trick and i raise you a meme


Q and the Marshall of the Supreme Court are going to show up and execute all of the Ukrainian troops after a trial in admiralty court any minute now.

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We’re about to get a flood of atrocity reports, aren’t we?

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Having trouble following this. So did the Ukrainians retake Kherson?

no not yet. they made it half way to Chernobaevka.

they made significant gains north of Donbass and south of Kharkiv.

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Probably, but I also expect none of them will match what will be seen when the Ukrainians get to Mariupol.

Do we think this is for real? All these potatoey guys look the same to me, idk if it’s really him or not.

If they are Russian is it pronounced “left-tenant” or “loo- tenant”?