Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I fight the urge to be happy when mostly blameless Russian soldiers get got, but this Dugin scumfuck is as bad as it gets and this Godfather III callback is chef’s kiss writers.


The full panoply of human experience. Waa his time to grab and to teach.

Yeah I saw that, but nobody more reputable than the Daily Beast is reporting it yet, and they’re basically a tabloid.

Wait, CNN’s running with it now too, but with heavily couched language. Looks like the only source for the story is TASS.

I saw an RT screenshot.

In any event I expect Dugin will slow his roll some. Either that or fall out of a high window due to despair.

the primary reason to conduct a low damage strike like that is to probe the anti-air defense and expose its location for further strikes. ukraine has been successful at evading and fooling crimean defenses far more than expected.

if dugin is like rasputin, he won’t die easily

This has some exciting implications

100% not US related.
either Russian dissidents or Ukrainian related.

also reading up on her, she followed in her father’s footsteps on views and ran a disinformation website.

There are some on Twitter who are skeptical of the Russian soldier’s report that was linked upthread and think it might be a Kremlin psyops. I haven’t seen anything convincing or concrete. Just throwing it out here.

Article on Dugin killing from an actual Russia expert.

she was on tv constantly, all her recent clips are popping up since the explosion. she also just published a “paper” during russian Army-2022 conference. it’s basically mein kampf meets infowars in russian.

no, it’s not cia. it would be extraordinarily risky, but also there are hundreds of extremist organizations in post-ussr space, some of which were basically cultivated by the fsb, and they are all becoming unraveled and unruly. i am not even talking about clowns like girkin, there are many more fringe characters

I looked into the allegations a bit and they seemed weak. Biggest thread was complaining about coddling a war criminal (ie Russian soldier).

Parts 4 and 5 of the translation are up.

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the soldier’s account is relatively routine. it’s basically an aggregation of everything we already heard about the orc army from multiple other sources, both speculative and verifiable. the only thing that stands out is that it is purportedly voiced by a contract soldier.

if it’s a counter op by the kremlin trying to swoop in with proof that it’s fake, lol it won’t nudge the needle domestically, or abroad.

Smoking can cause both explosions and heart attacks.

If I were Dugin and there was a recent attempt on my life that killed my daughter, then I too would have a heart attack and slow my roll, whether I had one or not.

Well, the fsb planted Shakespeare on a guy to show he was a British spy. I doubt they could fabricate something that’s 140 pages focused largely of the Kafkaesque ineptitude of Russian command and many soldiers that includes things like the Moscova was sunk by two missels, not an by accident.

it is sus that the story was able to go out “mainstream”, and on vk. there are government censoring mechanisms on both, and shows that it probably was pushed through over the risk of criminal charges to the journalist, the paratrooper, and anyone who reacts or reposts the story.