Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Seeing stuff about disastrous losses for Russia in Crimea due to a ton of missile attacks. Sure seems like they let their Air Force get too close to some missiles and himars.

Can’t say I expected Ukraine to be striking deep into Crimea without even having taken Kherson, even with the HIMARS, but that has to be really demoralizing for the Russians.

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Yeah I guess that HIMARS isn’t enough to get there. Ukraine must have figured something out then. Either they got something new or are deploying something in a new way. Regardless, it sure seems like this makes the Russian supply lines too long for them to defend the south long term

It’s deep enough in that, unless we get actual evidence of what they’re doing, special forces saboteurs sent in deep behind enemy lines are almost as plausible as anything else. Or maybe they got some jets on the DL?

I’m vaguely remembering they recently figured out to launch a normally ground missile from the air (a harpoon I think?). Maybe it’s that. Russia seemed to know something was coming though because they sent their families home a few days previous

I’m not an expert, but it strikes me as being really bad, but not really because of just the loss of munitions. The perhaps even larger things it does is makes the Russians sweat about where to put their next ammo dump. Like, even if we assume they can quickly get unlimited amounts of munitions and other supplies from the homeland to the border via rail quickly, they have to get it to the front lines via a very heavily taxed fleet of trucks. By taking out one big ammo dump, not only does it destroy a bunch of supplies, it also forces the Russians to put the next supply depot further back lest the next one suffer the same fate as the first. Every mile they have to move back is 2 extra miles the trucks have to make per trip for resupply, adding to both time per trip and wear on the trucks. No Russian front has extended much more than roughly 50 miles from their own territory (counting Crimea in this for practical purposes and not because I think it rightly belongs to Russia). If Ukraine can strike ammo dumps a couple hundred miles away from the front lines, though, what’s the plan for the trucks then? Five hundred mile round trips? No supply depots at all, just chaotic transfers from trains to trucks to the front lines? That is difficult to strike with a missile, yes, but Russian logistics have been a failure even under the best of conditions.

So, the nation of Russia isn’t likely to run out of supplies, but soldiers on the front lines are increasingly at risk of not getting what they need when they need it because of the additional stress on what may have been the fullest extent that Russian logistics could supply soldiers in enemy territory.

And if CN is right that planes got hit, those are huge losses. Russia isn’t going to be able to rebuild those in a timely fashion while under sanctions and unable to get necessary parts.


TLDR — russian soldier cannot believe what fell.

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It’s not just the ammo dump. The railroad system is gone, and that was something the Russians were using heavily for supplying. When they had to use trucks over these kind of distances, like around Kyiv. It didn’t go well.

Cant imaging anyone wants to drive a bunch of bombs with switchblades and whatnot coming to murder you


It is especially a problem for Russia in the south of Ukraine as Crimea is the only supply route available now as the navy doesn’t want to get near the coast anymore and the coastal area they occupy in Ukraine is fully within artillery range. Ukraine can just keep hitting depots and supply lines and those Russians in Kherson will run out of food and ammunition. No need to attack them before then. They might even be able to take back Crimea that way once they take back the south. Just cut it off from supplies and wait.

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I guess he meant “precision” strikes.

If Ukraine is able to carry out these type of attacks in Russian territory (i.e. slow moving drones) I’m not sure how tenable the Russian position can be. Seems like Ukraine has destroyed most of Russia’s air defense.


100% agree. Seems like the plan is to cut off the sea and then work their way back right?

The air defense may be weak but I question how much real damage can be done by an occasional drone strike of that type. Psychologically it has to hurt but I can’t see Putin retreating here. He’d shoot his own guys first.

It would be a question of whether the drones strikes could be more than occasional and whether Ukraine can get good intel. If Russia’s commend centers and depots in Crimea were all being hit on a regular basis, it’s going to degrade their capabilities over time and make it hard to mount an effective long-term defense.

Daughter of Russia’s Steve Bannon, who was herself a propagandist.


Oleksandr Usyk reprsenting Ukraine and defending his heavyweight championship against Englishman Anthony Joshua.

Slava Ukraini

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I’m gonna keep a big question mark next to the car bombing story without confirmation from more reputable sources.


Dugin was apparently at the scene and switched cars not long before the explosion.

Looks like Dugin. Welcome to war.