Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I don’t think Putin has a monopoly on using poison in Russia. Seems like it’s kind of common.

I had just assumed Putin was behind the carbombing, maybe her father getting to be a bit too loose a cannon?

Now there are reports that Dugin was hospitalized from a heart attack. This is according to his friend Markov

So you’re saying this information is from a Markov chain?


Ye ole explosive experts with young daughters laying low in their mini coopers.

When a case is solved this fast does that mean it’s fsb?

Bringing your cat on an assassination attempt? I mean if they did bring their kid AND cat along on an assassination attempt AND pulled it off, like do they get some kind of John Wic assassins guild award or something?


UA commander in chief Zaluzhnyj voiced the number of ukrainian servicemen killed in the conflict. over 9,000. :angry: puts the russian losses (25k-45k range) in perspective

Gary Seven and his cat were sent to Earth by an advanced alien civilization to destroy a nuclear weapon launched by the US. He succeeded, despite interference from the Earth ship from the future.


UA telegrams are showing explosions on the Antonovsky bridge, and it seems the bridge is completely severed now. traffic not possible.

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Ukraine is deploying special forces to film memes?

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digital information warfare has been a part of russian invasions since georgia 08. ukraine has been highly successful in countering it with their own meme brigades

I hope Dugin lives a very long life so he can live through that day over and over and over in his mind.

Not enough Russian elites are feeling the effects of this war personally.

i read about this lightweight towable ukrainian-developed rocket system. now we have video.

You did what? You killed Jane Wicks cat?


This may not be the torture you imagine for someone like Dugin. A full time propagandist kind of gets addicted to his own narrative and the personal “suffering” can just become a bottomless well he can go back to again and again to fuel his hate. It’s not a pleasant life, but he’s as likely to experience perpetual rage as he is to suffer perpetual sadness.

pope francis framing darya dugina as an innocent victim of the war is not a good look

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