Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

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Just in case you forgot that there are still reasons to crap your drawers over what’s happening in Ukraine.

I think I said it before, but if this war goes on, a nuclear meltdown in the war zone is just a matter of time.

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Came here to post about this.

Twitter rumors say this wasn‘t HIMARS but a Ukraine made missile system.


More views of explosion in Crimea.

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That makes sense. The distance is too great for the HIMARS missiles they have been given up to now.

Some other rumors say it might have been sabotage. As always with incidents like this there are a lot of theories and takes out there.

Right the HIMARS go what 40km? They aren’t brining a launcher 100km onto the Russian side of the front line. I doubt it is home grown long range missiles either, not with that many well coordinated precisely located and precisely timed explosions. The most sensible explanation to me is some type of special forces operation or saboteurs.

Map for perspective:

vacationing in crimea russians can’t believe what fell.

ukraine has systematically struck targets deeper and closer to home. it’s possible that they are doing some modifications on a limited basis that allows to extend the range of some munitions. although launch from aircraft is theoretically possible too, they have been flying more since taking out russian radar stations with himars

Possible but some of the videos show multiple simultaneous explosions across a wide area. So it seems less likely to be sabotage? Unless security was totally lax. If missiles, there could be signs in some of the videos.

That makes sense.

that’s what the propaganda channels are going with, an accident at the base, not a strike. i would take such a theory with a huge grain of salt.

There is a difference between sabotage and an accident. Having said that, everything should be considered preliminary and taken with a grain of salt right now.

i mean the rule of thumb so far has been, if RT denies a strike, it will eventually be confirmed as a UA strike. if RT says it was a strike, it’s probably RU staging something in order to move ahead with some other response.

Max range of what they have rn is maybe 85 km. Different sources give different numbers.
