Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Yesterday I read that Germany gave approval to the manufacturing of 100 Panzerhaubitze 2000 by Krauss-Maffei-Wegmann for Ukraine. It will take some time because tank steel is only produced when you have permits.
It bugged me from the beginning if you are serious to help Ukraine be it through ring trades or direct delivery shouldnt you at least start production knowing that it will take time?

It will take several years though. Ukraine needs help now.

The manufacturing approval may help grease the wheels for the transfer of materiel now that will be replaced by the new stuff. Not that I have that much faith in German support, but it’s a possibility.

mistranslation as in he doesn’t predict it, he just says he wishes it. not the hill to die on

As I understand it, he was referring to what people said or thought in 1992 and that the deleted tweet was both mistranslated and taken out of context.

Well, won’t watch that castrating video

unfortunately for me i saw the fuller speech. it mixes a lot of ‘92 and ‘22, and is straight up propaganda to the pro-putin vatniks still clamoring for the ussr.

I’ve started reading this which I bought the other day:

The intro chapter is all about a massive Russian cyber-assault on Ukraine. It was apparently a very big deal over there.

What is this with Serbia and Kosovo? Let’s not start another world war in the Baltics please.

ukraine telegrams are blowing up with Serbian prez (aka putin stooge) giving a go ahead to his troops to barricade kosovo, and calling for denazification of the city. kosovo special forces are doing the same.

this would be just regular thisisfine.gif, if it weren’t on the anniversary of Srebrenica massacre. but i am upgrading it to 3/4 bags of WAAF.

nytimes and wapo haven’t broken it yet it seems.

Was just reading about Serbia / Kosovo and wondering if it might be ol’ Vlad trying to stir the pot. Between this and Transnistria, could be fun times soon.

Continuing to enjoy this podcast on Russian thinking and internal dynamics.

Shit like this makes me furious and helpless at the same time. Hard for former colonial powers to condemn that but how can we combat that without getting shit on? Its not just that Russia is involved, its a military trying to stay in power robbing its people. And it happens everywhere and not just by Russia.

Apparently there’s video of Russian soldiers castrating then executing a Ukrainian POW.

I guess Mearsheimer made them do that too.

They’re saying “sudden symptoms consistent with a rare neurological disorder” but I wouldn’t be surprised if that changes after the folks in the hazmat suits finish their investigation.

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Word is that the offender has been neutralized, but I wasn’t going to click through the original vid or follow up information.

Don’t worry, I have it on good authority that Russia is not going to invade Ukraine.