Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

China holds 10% of Sri Lanka’s debt. Western private financial institutions like BlackRock hold 47% of the debt. The Asian Development Bank, whose largest shareholders are the US and Japan hold about 13% of the debt. Japan holds 10%. World Bank holds 9%. The notion that this is a Chinese Debt Trap is fairly widely held and is the result of propaganda.

Saying china only holds 10% of Sri Lanka’s debt is a way you could put things. The other way you could put is that you could say they are the largest debt holder. It also ignores how china basically let them light 3b on fire instead of restructuring. Grouping every single private investor in that manner isn’t valid, nor does it address the actual very problematic Chinese actions in the Sri Lanka political sphere, which I highly doubt you would just ignore if it was the USA doing something similar.

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I never said this was exclusively a Chinese Debt Trap, merely that China (like every other country you mentioned) should have an interest in getting Ukrainian grain flowing again. Of the countries you mentioned above, only China seems to be failing to exert it’s influence to curtail Russia.

Edit: Also, lol @ “Western Propaganda.” If I polled 100 Americans tomorrow, 100 of them would not even know anything is going on in Sri Lanka, nor would they be able to find it on a map. Pretty ineffective propaganda if you ask me.

Chomsky still rambling his tanky anti american takes. What a senile old man.

WTF is he talking about? If I want to hear what Russia is saying I can read Mershemerererer any time I want to.


I hope he lives long enough to see russian federation dismantled.

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I had no idea that Churchill’s BBC links were all contraband I was forbidden from accessing myself.


I think it’s worth remembering that he’s 93 years old

The description isnt quite what hes saying. Although hes still wrong.
Worth clicking through to the video

Also Carlson, Greenwald, Mearsheimer

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official line is that fsb/gru infiltration went very high in ukrainian government. it definitely makes sense, although at least some firings are due to bad leadership, poor decisions during the war.

in other news, ukraine’s pony was told to go back and reread the UP thread from 6 months ago

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Its so disgusting to see far right shit heads oppose giving money to Ukraine because they are still butt hurt that Trump got impeached by failing to blackmail Zelenskyy.

The far left tankies that hate America are all willing idiots carrying water for Putin, but democratic party has that on lockdown in terms of unanimous Ukraine support.

You have far right republican congressmen all crying about sending money to ukraine and wanting to stop it.

If they flip congress in Nov, would they be shit head enough to use Ukraine support as congress blackmail to get other things?

Man must have been nato that caused Russia to start this war

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I would just assume these things are connected with Putin getting max value on playing all the Trump loyalists. Any reason why Russia wouldn’t want this conflict prolonged with optimism for conservative midterm gains?

That tweet is already deleted because it was a mistranslation about something from 1992.

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Whoops my bad.

Also big love to @kedreading glad to still you here being wrong about Russia and ukraine


:grinning: … yeah keeed glad you’re still here being … oh wait …


Nice one - genuine laugh from me :blush:


As a result of the business retreat, Russia has lost companies representing ~40% of its GDP, reversing nearly all of three decades’ worth of foreign investment and buttressing unprecedented simultaneous capital and population flight in a mass exodus of Russia’s economic base


Looks like they hit the bridge a few more times to stop auto traffic

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