Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

you are finally asking the right questions!

Seems like the roles of invader and defender should matter when judging dehumanizing language. Like the equivalent of orc isn’t whatever derogatory terms the US uses for the countries it invades, it’s whatever the people in those countries use to refer to the US military.

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Ukraine going to win against Scotland. Them qualifying for the World Cup would be fun, even if it sucks for the USA. Would greatly prefer Scotland

Not regulating your feelings victor, even if they’re the way they are because you’re uninformed and influenced heavily by Russian propaganda because of it

LMK when they start committing a genocide victor

Also, vast majority of azov wasn’t the neonazi bullshit. You’re so easily manipulated

Your description of facts is obviously wrong. Carry on.

Also, one side is committing genocidal or near genocidal acts. These things are not the same.

It’s like one guy of Slavic ancestry using the term “orc” regularly. Maybe talk to him about it instead of scolding the entire forum.

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tbh, I’ve been using the term “gopnik” a lot, I need @d2_e4 to explain to me if that’s culturally insensitive.

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Who’s scolding the entire forum? Certainly not me!

Victor there is nothing reported anything remotely similar to what the Russians have done. You become the good guy when you do what they did in Mariupol. This isn’t hard for anyone but you to understand.

(Also you keep ignoring how azov wasn’t all that group but hey whatcha gonna do)

No, Victor is correct. I haven’t seen a “pray for Ukraine” post on fb or any Ukrainian flags etc. I’d say 90+% of America doesn’t gaf anymore and it’s never talked about.

Since Victor wrote that post the us sent even more advanced artillery and rockets

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Raping women and stealing everything nailed down are not functions of common soldiers. Get your head out of your ass.

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Can we change the thread title to death to orcs or Russian soldiers or something? So it’s clear.


How about “Ignore all Russian atrocities but flip about that one poster from the region occasionally uses the word ‘orcs’, because that is definitely the more serious issue deserving of endless thread time and energy”?

I like it, succinct and to the point.

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The US. guberment is caring but the average American has no idea nor cares what’s going on over there. 99% of Americans could not give an accurate war update.

I truly don’t care about references to Orcs or celebrating defeats to the Russian military. That isn’t what stands out about this thread vs others on the subject (edit: or threads on other wars where there was clearly a side that were the baddies). Edit again: anyway I’ll stand down as I’m obviously (and interestingly) in the UP minority on the topic

probably check the previous thread

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since azov is now captive, they stand to die from torture, or capital punishment. are you equatting it with battlefield losses?

hey viktoer, how many Buchas has azov committed?

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