Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Those damn Jewish nazis again.

Jewish Nazis are truly the most diabolical of all imaginary Nazis.

The BBC is undercutting their message with that Man City headline if they’re hinting that Ukraine should give up.

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Their war highlight reel (at :56) still includes the clip where they bomb a Ukrainian artillery unit, but miss - not a good sign for how things are going for them.

Tom Cotton is apparently a RINO now (according to Trump) because he supported Ukraine aid.

except perhaps for

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all the onetimes in the world couldn’t get it done. smh

Ok I’ve made it clear before that I wasn’t impressed by any of the videos supposedly showing some sort of disease process for Putin.

This actually stands out to me:

This looks like a pill rolling tremor to me, and it disappears when he purposely uses his hand. That’s expected. See below:

Unfortunately not likely to spontaneously combust from this. Usually a long slow decline unless it’s some crazy form of lewy body dementia.


The Steele dossier guy also says he’s sick fwiw. Why does he sit that way? Does starting a war make your balls swell up?

Parkinson’s fucks with your body in all sorts of ways, so if he does have it that would be a pretty good explanation for any weird posture or movement issues.

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there’s a russian guest of all sorts of political shows, who is like a larry kudlow in that he’s almost never been right in like 15 years. he’s been saying terminally ill about putin for years. he’s now very much allin on parkinsons AND cancer theory.

that’s how i know putin will probably not die of an illness

So a few things happen. Parkinson’s can fuck with your gait and sense of balance. It cause your muscles to function strangely too.

Lots of things can cause you to sit weird, but that hand action sure as shit looks like a pill rolling tremor, which is pretty specific to Parkinson’s or a related disorder.

That being said, we’re well outside of what I’d want to say I’m an expert in, so that this with a grain of salt.

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I see dingbat does the Nazi’s apostrophe thing.

2 things. 1. What even is this tweet, I don’t get it?

  1. I just spent 5 minutes reading MTG’s twitter and now I need a shower and a lot of alcohol.
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Ukrainian colors were added to the Pride flag.

oof. i thought the flag looked bigger, but blue and yellow definitely don’t stand out, and the entire tweet looked even more moronic to me.

That flag is actually pretty cool

i know, i just completely missed it as i was doom scrolling this thread