Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

BTW here’s a podcast giving a short overview of recent Russian military adventures


i considered it, definitely not the usual russian invasion. they went in for money and rotated their troops for experience. they did not capture territory by themselves though. they basically used syrian foot soldiers the same way they are using ldnr conscripts right now.


Luhansk/Donetsk People‘s Republics

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It’s changed several times as more info has come in.

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First they came for Lucille Ion and I said nothing.

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People saying Lyman has fallen.


Key question is did the Russians retreat or were they cut off, and then did they surrender.

Kadyrov is head of the Chechen Republic, Google tells me.

CNN reporting this as well now.

Edit: It looks like they avoided getting cut off though (If you believe the official Russian line anyway):

I’m sure some made it out, but doesn’t look like all:

Kadyrov the next to fall out of a window, or is he too big for Putin to whack?

I think he needs him to keep Chechnya under control and supplying troops. A power vacuum and fight for control there would be very bad right now for Putin and Russia (caveat - I have no clue about the power structure/potential successors to Kadyrov, so maybe Putin could seamlessly install a puppet there).

Legit wondering if Kadyrov sees himself as Putin’s successor.

Yeah, I don’t know much about the details of Chechnya, but it seems like there would be a big risk of rebellion and secession if the guy at the top got whacked.

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Seems new. Russia claiming plane crashed on landing.

Given the state of all of their equipment and the training of their troops, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often.