About Moderation (old original thread)

why are you taking issue with really objectionable material being deleted but not users deleting their entire accounts? that’s a really weird stance to take, from my humble view, and I don’t understand what the concern is, like, these accounts are clearly coming from somewhere and it seems like there could only be one somewhere? what does leaving them to do dispel this notion?

it seems like to me someone whoeever that may be twisted whatever happened in there and got a few people worked up over what looks like essentially a misunderstanding.

If I didn’t know that everyone involved was such a well intentioned good faith poster I might think that this informational asymmetry was being abused by one side or something.

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I wrote every word, all by myself without discussing with anybody. Although I’m pretty sure I fully understand the sentiment of FTLT, I didn’t consult him/her for any of that post nor was I asked to post it. But it’s of course possible that you are trying to set some kind of trap because you have access to a post or PM that sounds similar. Of course it could, assuming I’m correct (which I think I am) about the exact sentiment being expressed.


  1. Jbro calling me a pedophile becuase he thinks that fathers who enjoy spending time with their kids are pedophiles is “ok” but
  2. Me changing my avatar in response to him calling me a pedophile is:
    “Pretty fucked up.”

Lol. A+ posting as always, Cassette.

Were you actually a lawyer? How would you grade this reasoning on the LSAT?


Quoting this here instead of in the Ukraine thread because it seems like there’s actual news about Ukraine going on

It’s never changed from no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community.

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I read the words you posted ITT including accusing the account of making no constructive posts outside of AM, and also accusing the account of being mine. It’s ok, I get it. You are jealous that you didn’t make the cut for the private site. If it makes you feel better, you were soooo close. Only vetoed by a few IIRC. Better luck next time!

You’re pathetic.


Well you were instantly rejected. So I’m not surprised that you feel that way.

Wow. What the hell happened to you?

do me do me


I’m drunk and a bad dad. I’m right now actively scouring the dark web for an avatar that adequately portrays these characteristics.

Do I need to post something controversial to unite both sides against me and make this stop?


I think both sides are already against you?

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Oh no!

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See, now that’s the right attitude. I care just about as much for many on this site. The others even less so.


I forgot what happened the previous 2 or 3 times mods have deleted this avatar, can someone remind me?