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I’m a few episodes into season 2. Is there anyone in this town that isn’t harboring some insanely dark secrets?

Andy? Lucy has a sketchy ex but that’s not too dark.

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Not sure the etiquette regarding spoilers on a thread for a specific TV show that’s over 30 years old but fuck it:

Just got to the big reveal in season 2 episodes 7-9. I’m not entirely shocked, as there was plenty of foreshadowing that Leland was more than just a grieving father of questionable sanity. But very impressive how we got here nonetheless. I’m a bit surprised that this was wrapped up this way in what was basically the first act of the season. But there’s a lot of unresolved storylines that I’m hoping we get to:
I’m assuming there will be some focus on Josie, Catherine, and the drama at the mill?
Who shot Cooper? They’ve been alluding to his ex-partner whose on the loose. So maybe we’re going somewhere with this? Or was it just Leland/BOB?

Also what the fuck aren’t these kids supposed to be in high school? We haven’t seen the inside of the school since episode 1 yet Bobby is supposed to be the star QB but spends his time shacked up with Leo’s wife, James and Donna run their own investigation, and Audrey does whatever the fuck it is she does.

I hope we never see Nadine mentally in high school again. That’s one B story I could do without. But kinda funny.

Anyways, I’m gonna try to catch a few more episodes tonight to see where this goes. I’m glad this thread was here, it reminded me of this show that I was always curious about but never saw any of.

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when i rewatch i skip to the final 2 episodes of s2 right now. but rewatching itt when we did it, the next couple after the reveal were good so idk. i don’t want you to get jaded and miss out on the return. the return is the best.

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I’m definitely watching the return next.

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Ah dammit we’re still doing this.

Original >>>>>> The Return for me. It was a chore completing The Return, i could watch the original over and over.

The movie rocks definitely watch that

I can’t get my head around this. The Return is incredible. Don’t get me wrong, the original series is one of my favourites, but there are some real duds, just inane episodes - second season in particular. Lynch left at some point in season one to work on Wild at Heart. This was his reaction when he returned part way through season 2.

“When I came back from Wild at Heart I didn’t know what was going on with [Twin Peaks]. All I remember feeling is that it was this runaway train and you had to commit to it 24/7 to keep it on track. I think if it had just been Mark and me writing together on every episode we would’ve been okay, but we didn’t do that and other people came in. This is nothing against any of them, but they didn’t know my Twin Peaks and it just ceased to be anything that I recognized. When I came back to do an episode I’d try to change things and make it what I wanted, but then it would go off again on other stupid fucking things. It just wasn’t fun anymore.”

For me, The Return is one of the best shows/films ever produced. I love it from start to finish. Fire Walk With Me is incredible as well.


Neat. A trans character from a 90s TV show that at least so far isn’t treated like a joke.


“Fix your heart or die” is such a badass line

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Heh. It took 1.5 seasons but someone finally looked straight at cooper and asked him “what the hell are you talking about?”


I didn’t dig all the cosmic jibberish stuff, i hated new Cooper/Dougie or whatever the hell he was called. I love the town and people of Twin Peaks. We lost all the nice, wacky, campy stuff and replaced it with pure weirdness. Watching it was a chore, i doubt i could ever do it again.

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Thanks to a bad bout with COVID that left me bed ridden I finished the original series ahead of schedule. That was definitely a trip. The ending felt rushed, but otherwise quite good. It’s definitely some of the most creative writing I have ever seen in a TV show. Next up I will do fire walk with me and then the return.


I’m curious to see if you react to the Dougie situation the same way DUCY did.

I watched Fire Walk with Me last night. That was definitely a bit shocking given the change in tone from the show. It complements the show nicely but holy fuck did it really take the darkest elements of the show, multiply them by 100, and cram them into a 2 hour movie.


Got through the first episode and part of the 2nd of the Return last night. I will definitely have to reset my expectations on this being a 3rd season of the show and accept that it’s a different show with some overlapping themes and characters.

The first episode was fine. A bit slow paced but did a fine job setting the stage. But I can see how some of the changes might be a turn off to people fans of the original. I’m with DUCY in that the campy/silliness is some of the stuff I enjoyed most with the original, but it’s certainly not a requirement for having a great show. I’ll check back in when I’m deeper into the season.

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It’s more a vibe like the movie than the original series. Dougie is the kooky light-hearted storyline but the first time i watched i didnt laugh at the dougie antics because i was in a stunned silence for the full 18 hours

S3 is basically David Lynch straight refusing to give any fanservice and telling a different kind of Twin Peaks story.

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