I’m through 5 episodes of S3. I definitely like it, including the Dougie stuff. A few things I’m trying to wrap my head around.

So, presumably Coop’s doppelganger has been running around wreaking havoc for 25 years, knew he was supposed to go into the black lodge, said he “had a plan for that” but presumably just drove around until Coop switched places with Dougie, who from what I can tell is just some rando that happens to look like Coop? I’m not sure if this will get explained later or not, but whatever.


I’m glad we’re out of the black lodge for now. Those sequences got tiring after a while. I can only handle so much of that.

And finally:

Will someone PLEASE just give that man some more coffee.

I’m hoping most of these storylines intersect in a fun way as the series goes on. The first third is a really good set up for this type of show.


Looking forward to your thoughts on Episode 8.


A lot of weird shit. I’m not saying I disliked it, but I’m not sure I enjoyed it all the way through either. Hopefully some of what I saw will come into context later on. Was bob created in a nuke test?

Apparently the episode was quite acclaimed, but maybe I just wasn’t stoned enough or in the right mood for that type of thing when I saw it.


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Goal tonight: get as high as Jerry Horne and see if my foot starts talking to me while watching episode 11.


game recognize game



in my head as i was reading that i heard the perfect david lynch yelling voice

3 episodes left. I’ve really enjoyed this series and how it weaves the various storylines together in such a bizarre way. It’s sort of a masterclass in story telling. My only concern at this point is that it feels like there’s still a lot going on and I’m worried there will be another rushed partially complete finish like the first series. 3 episodes is definitely enough time but Lynch would have to pick up the pace and that’s not something he seems to do very often.


That was uhh… sure an interesting way to deal with the two assassins after Dougie. Episode 16 was great. Two more left.

Edit: I’ve also been a Pearl Jam fan since the early 90s and this was the first time I heard Eddie Vedder’s real name.


As I have been sometimes known to do, rather than be productive I fucked off today and finished S3. I had some idea what was going on but I guess I missed a few things, but reading up on what the fuck happened, it makes a bit more sense now. I guess BOB was just a mid-boss?

I had fun going through this thread and seeing all the memes. Good stuff. I’ll put this on the re-watch list at some point, it’s definitely worth another go around.

No joke I was high as balls when I first watched this scene and it’s one of the more memorable scenes from the original series for me.

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Perfect Blue is a good watch, I think Twin Peaks fans would like it.