two more episodes until:

oh fuck nvm we gotta watch the final 2 episodes of s2 after e7, then the movie.

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Damn, I was gonna post that. Don’t know what’s going on but it looks cool.

Last ep pretty action packed. Maybe they give us a slow burn episode to cool off. Also, I don’t think they ever resolved who the mystery food critic is.

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feb 24 was the day laura palmer was killed btw

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Ooh, Cooper has a dark backstory.

Fuck yeah introducing David Lynch


haha didn’t realize that was Lynch

God did she just punch him in the balls

lol okay, this seems totally legal and cool

great fuckin episode

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So we got the next important location that will take the a few episodes to get to…

i’ll semispoil it rn but next episode we finally find out who killed laura palmer. and it brings the whole show to a screeching halt, audrey and donna’s clue-gathering adventures become pointless, it totally takes the wind out of the show’s sails.

so next week is s2e7, then week after we’ll do the final 2 episodes of s2 back to back, just as they aired. then week after that the movie and at long last we can start watching the return

Do they ever find out who the food critic is.

i think the food critic thing was one of many things we can safely ignore about season 2

I mean Netflix already semispoiled next episode reveals the killer…

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