Loving Cooper’s commando mode outfit.

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i think he’s wearing archer’s turtleneck

lol coop is such a gentleman, only punches her in the stomach

Oof, right in the uterus.

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knifed him dead on the spot lmao

Holy fuck, Hawk is a badass! The back half of this episode is wild af.

why is donna fucking with this delicate weirdo so hard

that’s what happens when you fuck with mentally ill people, donna

Commando Gear Cooper would be the limited-edition Twin Peaks action figure you had to get via the mail.

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coop harry and audrey were all about to get executed by that guy. good thing those two can’t keep a secret

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I completely lost the plot; why would they not tell Hawk they’re on a rescue mission?

they were doing black ops stuff. idk why they wouldn’t tell hawk, he’s one of the most trustworthy characters on the show

Literally half of the Twin Peaks police force is already on the mission, how do they not bring Hawk along with his ninja skills?

Real good work Donna

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Run out in daylight with the diary, oh shit that caused mentally unstable guy to collapse. Guess I’ll return the diary to its place and come up with a breakin. Real fucking cool Donna.


Any of you Lynch fans interested in an Eraserhead watch party?

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Jerry’s belly flop is absolutely wild. What a madman.

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how does he land so soft, that would be a couple broken wrists if i tried it