Turbo Walrus: TV theme edition

Felt like a basic bitch with my 70s entry (yet still solid), but lovin’ all my others and relistening to them now.

At first I’d wished that the 60s were eligible instead of the 10s (as I haven’t watched anything new in forever), but then I realized it’s moot bc we’d all submit:


60s is stacked, but this would have to win.


Your British TV themes may not have set the world on fire!

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How that theme came to be created by the Radiophonic Workshop is a really great story. No synths back then, just tape loops and circuit bending. And the woman who was most responsible for it never got any formal credit.


60’s also had GOAT cartoon themes. This one is so cool the New York Dolls covered it.

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Definite basic bitch with 70s and 80s here. It’s part of being a 90s kid.

lol right, had some real 80s options tho.

I only know the ones that everybody else knows from the 70s and 80s. No hidden gems or anything like that.

I probably have a few years exposure on you.

I had another 60s one in mind that hasn’t been mentioned yet. There’s probably more than one, really.

When is the reveal for this?

yeah, all the newer shows have short, instrumental themes, which is fine, but many end up sounding the same.

However, the 60’s had

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Sometime before Tuesday. Once I get the submissions I’ll start judging

Does end theme count?


There mayyyyyy be a single category reveal tonight


I had really hoped it was early 70s, but alas, it was not to be.

Seriously though, I can probably list on one hand the TV themes that I would consider truly iconic…and PP is definitely one of the top 5.

lol, I bet there are lots of overlaps in this walrus.

also @Yuv I don’t see anything in the OP about them NOT counting…

What’s more dream stomping? No reveal tonight or a last place finish in a reveal tonight?

Well I still dont have the list quite yet.

@microbet, how many entries do we have so far?
