Trump's America

Moar Florida

i have always assumed it’s just what they are exposed to on a daily basis.

i worked at a bank in the black area of my city for awhile, went to a co-workers bbq which was also in that part of the city and was the only white person out of maybe 50. her pitbull followed me from room to room keeping an eye on me and barking at me most of the time.


The conventional wisdom about it that I always heard was just that the tones that dogs see in make darker-skinned people harder to “read” as far as facial expression etc., and that freaks out some dogs. That may be complete bullshit though.


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That’s not funny… My friends Terrior was following me around his house yesterday, barking, growing the whole lot that the Dog ended up getting himself upset.

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They probably just sense their owner’s uneasiness around black people.

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“What the Lord has shown me is that if they wait too long, it could be another Mogadishu or another Benghazi where the patriots will rise up and say, ‘Enough is enough,’ and they will take matters into their own hands and they will drag their dead bodies through the streets,” Taylor said

“The people are not asking for justice, they are demanding it, so the government has to act,” Taylor said.

“They need to make probably one or two high-level arrests, high-profile arrests, perp walk them on national television so that people will see that justice is going to be done,” he continued. “They have got to make the arrests before January if they are going to make them this year, because if [Trump] arrests anyone after January when campaign season starts, it’s going to make it look like he’s just arresting those that oppose him. So they have a window of time between now and the end of the year to make these arrests. That is what God has shown me as far as this timeline.”

In the past i’d dismiss this as nutjobbery but it is scary close to mainstream now.

Mark Taylor, the “Firefighter Prophet", bringing us other DeadState headlines such as…

Christian prophet: God is using Trump to weed out the real Christians from the fakes.
Christian prophet: When Trump is reelected, he’ll reveal the cure for cancer.
& Pro-Trump Christian prophet: If you mock me, ‘you’re putting your life in your own hands’

… so, putting my life in my hands, I say what an evil fuckwit he is.

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My grandma had a racist dog.

Unfortunately this is because an aboriginal kid broke into her house and kicked the crap out of him.

My grandma was pretty non-deplorable (her first date with my granddad involved standing up to Oswald Mosley) but maybe the dog was picking up bias somewhere else.

How could i be racist when i have a black cat? Chessmate libtards

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25:1 ratio. What a buffoon.

They probably give their dogs a treat for barking at black people.

The family dog I had as a kid hated black people.

One of the nuttier white safari pieces I’ve ever seen:

As they ate lunch after the service at their large evangelical church, the Meyers said they would like to someday visit Israel, which is religiously important to them. But they also watch a lot of videos online when they’re watching those pastors’ sermons. They believe, with total certainty, in what they hear, even when the information is false: that humans have nothing to do with climate change. That Muslims are trying to implement laws in U.S. states that would allow them to kill Christians with impunity. That a shadowy group, including wealthy Jews as leaders, meant to use Hillary Clinton to bring about “one world government.”

Wanda says they try to “stay up to date” on the “spiritual battle … financed by the Illuminati and the Rothschilds.”

After all, she trusts the source has a higher authority: “These are ministers we know, we respect.”

haha America’s fucked

Oof. I’ve heard a lot of antisemitic stuff since getting into the trucking business honestly. Pretty scary. If you want to talk about disloyalty any Jew in the US who votes for the GOP is not only disloyal but completely retarded.

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I’ve pointed it out repeatedly how common antisemitism is in the US and people on 2p2 who only interact in like the corporate-professional or University world thought I was crazy and there was no significant antisemitism in the US. In addition to the occasional attacks on synagogues and such that didn’t just start with Trump, the world where people pretty casually throw around racism against Blacks or Hispanics or women always has antisemitism too. There are a lot of things that people would just never say in front of relative strangers in a computer programming team that get said at the front desk of an Electrical Supply Store or on a construction site.


“You got any jew blood in you?” – multiple random white dude trucking company owners who weren’t getting what they were asking for in a negotiation.

And lots of other variants. It’s not common, but it happens maybe once a month. And some of the stuff you see on FB about the Rothschilds in trucking groups is pretty serious too.