Trump's America

You can neutralize the dog with a solid slam. You’re going to probably eat a bite or two, but if you scoop it and use your weight as a fulcrum to throw it into the cement you’re going to stun it long enough to take on the tub o lard.

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It seems that every white supremacist is either massively overweight or ripped. Rarely see a middle ground in person. Maybe they’re all on 4chan rather than shouting their slurs in public.

Good luck trying to boycott Disney movies. Gonna be lots of young girls pissed off because their dads won’t take them to see Mulan.

I want to expand on this a bit. A while back there was this terrifying documentary called Jesus Camp about this crazy-ass fundamentalist Christian boot-camp for kids and one of the things that stuck with me was that the adults all tried extremely hard to stop the kids from watching Disney movies and reading Harry Potter because it’s evil heathen witchcraft and shit.

You can imagine how well that worked out. Keeping kids from reading Harry Potter in the 2000s was like 1930’s Prohibition. There was an underground movement of kids sneaking Harry Potter and Disney stuff into Jesus Camp and you know some of the grownups were quietly letting their kids watch The Lion King and shit on the down low because how do you tell your daughter “no” when she wants to watch The Little Mermaid. For better or worse, pop culture is a powerful force.

So I think it’s pretty disturbing when Mulan sides with the Chinese police. Disney as a company has a pretty good recent history of promoting liberal values, but at the same time it’s well-known that movie studios are all actively trying to court the massive Chinese market. It’s a tough spot if the left has to explain to thier kids that they’re boycotting Mulan because China is cracking down on dissenters in Hong Kong.

The good news is that these live-action remakes are all hot garbage no one asked for, but you can understand that Disney has a huge grip on kid’s movies and sports and they are desparate to appeal to the mainland Chinese government.


Yeah this was a no brainer for Disney.

I may have a plan for that, The Mulan Legacy



You’re right but i really enjoyed the jungle book live action remake :/

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Listen, I stan any movie with Scar Jo in it no matter what, I don’t care how derivative it is. I’ll watch a goddamn live-action Ghost in the Shell if it stars her.

Overheard from what I assume are two American pilots on my tour of Helsinki, at Senate Square where the statue of the Apostles stands:

“You know the liberals wouldn’t stand for that. They’d try to tear it down.”
“Yeah, they’d be triggered.”

Pilot seems like a job that would be deplorable heavy. A bunch of old white guys who were justifiably shook after 9/11

antifa = acorn

I hope videos like like this are archived and preserved in some database so that these people can be shamed, shunned and persecuted in kind for the rest of their lives and their children’s lives and their grandchildren’s lives

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The Alabama thing is from June. The advocate reposted it this morning, which is why its probably getting traction .

There were definitely some far right peeps in Helsinki when I visited. Took some pictures before asking what the Finnish signs said. Guess they weren’t fond of speaking English because they looked at me, then walked further away than they were before

“World Peace and Unification Sanctuary”


A (non-white) friend of mine is in Finland right now with his daughter and has said exactly the same thing re speaking English. He added that they are in the main very friendly though.

I’ve heard about dogs being racist and I’m glad my dog isn’t racist.

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As a kid we had a dog that loved to bite people with very light hair. Eventually had to be put down.

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