Trump's America

Spitting image of Spaulding Smails from Caddyshack.

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i googled Spaulding Smails and the top right is a photo of trump looking extra dumpy

She said the tea problems are black-on-black crime and lack of masculinity in men. Really.

He looks like Matt Leblanc in the early stages of transitioning.

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That’s about a half hour from me. Thankfully only minor injuries and the driver is in custody.

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I hope every one of you’re peeps are all OK. :ok_hand:

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Well, it’s not a problem for white people and their uncle tom friends.

I googled Candace Owens and at the top of the results page there are links to three youtube videos of her recent testimony:

Candace Owens at hearing on Confronting White Supremacy [C-Span]
“STRONG BIAS” Candace Owens UNLOADS On Congress at … [FOX 10 Phoenix]
Candace Owens TRIGGERS Democrats With Blunt Testimony … [BlazeTV]

The same event presented in three very different fashions.

The cspan link makes it sound like she is confronting white supremacy rather than condoning it.

„At this table you respect my faith and do not forget that Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount: „But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek … err… shove a drumstick up his ass. Amen“

Totally normal country.

I almost never see cops in Prague. When I do they’re looking at their phone or bunched together having a chat with a couple of other cops.


Shared nonironically


Like honestly this one drives me nuts. My family was actively trying to dissuade me from going to college for years because it’d turn me into a “liberal” lol. Now I am and they think it’s college’s fault but I had turned before I even went.

It’s just so stupid. I studied science and math - guess how many times politics comes up in those subjects.
Precisely zero times.

The anti-education and anti-learning aspect of the trump movement is the most concerning to me, if it sticks. It’s confounded by the fact that there ARE actually a lot of worthless majors and an extraordinary amount of wastefulness that goes on in higher education, so this narrative that education = worthless librul brainwashing is easy for the young generation to get on board with.


I kind of disagree with the worthless majors stuff. If you’re talking financially, sure. I think the vast majority of people would benefit immensely from taking a women’s studies course, a contemporary English lit course, or an ethics course, though.