Trump's America

that’s old though, and just funny. Dior just announced the “rebranding” today (to the racist shit, in which they equate indigenous people with savages).

Yup… Agreed its well out of order.

1st 1 with the sausage was Manchester that we stole it from. :sweat_smile:

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welp, the Dior tweet is gone. they still have a day to rethink their entire ad campaign :joy:

Not something I often talk about because it’s sort of obvious, but I assume you guys know that the whole “YOU HAVE TO SAY YOU LOVE AMERICA” thing is fucking weird from the outside, right? Imagine a grown man who demanded to constantly be told not just that they were a generally good person, but that they were virtually without fault, a paragon among people, the greatest person who has ever existed. Imagine if they demanded that everyone stand and remove their hats before joining in on singing Happy Birthday, only instead of only happening once a year, you had to sing songs in praise of them once a week or more. It’s not any less narcissistic when a country does it.

You can understand it from somewhere like, let’s say Serbia, which is a small country with a single ethnic base who have suffered various humiliations and indignities over the last few decades, but the US is the most powerful country in the world and still people throw tantrums over the mildest of criticisms. It’s bizarre and stands in stark contrast to the second biggest nation in the Anglosphere, the UK, where lining up to make fun of the country and take a dump all over nationalilstic pride is a national pastime.


I’m not sure what disparaging Native Americans has to do with that.

But either way I’m all for criticism and lessening patriotic fervor.

That video is sickening. I cant even begin to understand how a grown man could do something like that.

The Original above…

This is going to backfire when people realize how awesome a saugase-scented cologne would be.

If House of Creed does a hold my beer on this I’m gonna walk into the ocean and be done with it all.

“First of all, we don’t do gay weddings or mixed race, because of our Christian race—I mean, our Christian belief,” the woman tells Welch in the video.


This is disgusting and would also be quite the political hot potato if Your Democratic Party was in any way good at messaging.

Yeah… it’s important to remember that extremist groups ideal recruiting environment is one where people are in an advanced state of despair and feel like they have nothing to lose. There are a lot of poor white millenials who feel pretty hopeless right now.

We’ve seriously gotta do something about inequality and the drug war. Guns are absolutely part of this (in terms of the mechanism for carrying out an attack), but the root cause is hopelessness mixed with a feeling of ‘this shouldn’t be happening to me’. Turns out if you tell people they can be anything they want to be when they grow up, and then they grow up to be unemployable you get a shit ton of bitterness… and that bitterness is just waiting to be weaponized by terrorists.

Speaking of terrorists the other side of this is that we need to crack down on white nationalism hard. How we do that when the white nationalists have spent the last 20-30 years infiltrating law enforcement is another question entirely.

Pretty sure we’re far past that point already

For sure. We have a white nationalist president and an entire political party that has a lot of power that are either white nationalists or white nationalist sympathizers.

Yup. See AOC’s most recent tweets. It’s a front for scaring people so they willingly support fucking themselves to enrich the billionaire ruling class.

Interesting theory there, Mr. … Joshua Bernstein?


That’s a mind numbingly stupid take by him.