Trump tax returns leaked. For realz.

No, no, no, you see he doesn’t pay any taxes because he’s so smart!

He was such a huge failure. He wanted to be a big time real estate developer billionaire and ended up being a jackass Reality TV, WWF, Trump Steaks clown ---- pathetic ----- until he became POTUS. Damn moronic voters.


It’s not that he is bad at business it’s that he is bad at everything. He is a deeply stupid person lacking any curiosity about how things work. He is the least skilled human on earth possibly.


If Biden plays this optimally at the debate he could get Trump to melt down on live TV. Hopefully he has a team of AOC level PR people training him on how to do this.

Enter narrator, stage left.


A partner who walks away from a business with nothing — what tax laws refer to as abandonment — can suddenly declare all the losses on the business that could not be used in prior years. But there are a few catches, including this: Abandonment is essentially an all-or-nothing proposition. If the I.R.S. learns that the owner received anything of value, the allowable losses are reduced to just $3,000 a year.

And Mr. Trump does appear to have received something. When the casino bankruptcy concluded, he got 5 percent of the stock in the new company. The materials reviewed by The Times do not make clear whether Mr. Trump’s refund application reflected his public declaration of abandonment. If it did, that 5 percent could place his entire refund in question.

This is tax fraud.


Or they could have just invested it all in index funds and dramatically outperformed Master Negotiator Donnie Dumb Dumb.

Yeah, I was thinking that dropping this on an NFL Sunday as opposed to a Monday is suboptimal, but it’s probably better that Biden has extra day to work it into his debate prep.

Of course it is. It’s what he’s been doing his entire life–with zero repercussions.

Yup. I remember reading an article stating that.

But yeah this shit will drive him nuts. Guess he’ll be claiming that the person who divulged them should be executed.


Trump talking about people locking themselves in cabin for debate prep right now. Doesn’t seem to be aware of tax story yet.

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Neither does CNN. Nary a mention on its front page.


It’s all over their screen on TV

Trump just now asked about taxes. He only says it’s fake news.


Fake news guys. Story over.


I am old enough to remember when Mitt Romney was the Evilest Rich Person Ever for only paying $2 million in taxes in 2011.


Can’t believe we finally got him!


Also there are blatant kickbacks in there, lol “consulting fees” in some of the most corrupt countries on earth

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He clearly doesn’t know the extent of what was revealed.

I mean really he doesn’t know anything at all.

How is he this bad? He has primo real estate whether it’s Manhattan or golf courses. Explain this to me like I’m a 5 year old.

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Trump with his tweeting today and this news conference is trying to change the day’s story to performance enhancing drug use by Biden.

Another interesting issue is how sincerely he believes he won all the debates with “Crooked Hilary”. People see what they want to see.

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