Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

No inflation though.

In the yeeeeeeeear two thousand twenty two

A young progressive named Brandon will try to benefit from the ā€œLetā€™s go Brandon!ā€ meme but the Democratic Party will demand he legally change his name to Fuck Joe Biden.
In the yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear two thousand twenty two


The parents seem so dumb I have to consider the possibility they had good reason to run. Like maybe they are serial killers and the kid helped them bury the bodies and they know heā€™s going to blab. Hence why the kid turned killer and why they have no friends and ā€œlearn not to get caughtā€.

Eta Also why they need to have the good lawyer for themselves.


I presume itā€™s just that they personally think they are probably guilty as hell of involuntary manslaughter and expect this to come out during the trial. For example, that they knew the kid was taking the gun to school and think he is going to testify to that effect. The charge theyā€™re facing can get you 15 years in the slammer, it is no joke.

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At the very least, Democrats all across the country should be politicizing this by pushing for laws that making it easier to charge parents of school shooters with involuntary manslaughter.


Based on what we know so far what do we think is the most appropriate punishment for the kid

  1. Dedicated mental health facility
  2. Prison + whatever psychiatric help they happen to be able to give him in there (which I assume is not muchā€¦I suppose even #1 doesnā€™t offer great care if it is a state facility).

Encased in carbonite.

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Duration? What happens when you thaw him out?

Toss him in a sarlacc pit.


Why the carbonite first? I might be missing something here since Iā€™m only a casual Star Wars fan.

Medal of Honor recipients ā€˜25.

Iā€™m not being serious. A serious reply would probably get hidden.

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Yeah, I got that. I guess what I was getting at is being frozen in carbonite painful? Are they conscious the whole time? These sorts of things really make a difference.

Yeah depending on the company and the tower, phones feed gps data back to towers and the phone company via wireless signal. There is no special emitting of gps location.

Phones get satellite signals to determine their geolocation. The phone can then share that like any other data but phones donā€™t transmit to satellites.

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I believe the Star Wars canon is agnostic on this point.

I see. I thought such considerations may have gone into your (clearly not serious) suggestion. I wanted to be sure ā€˜encased in carboniteā€™ didnā€™t have additional connotations.

Oh dang and Pensacola is farther west than all of Michigan. TIL

Wait, seriously?

EDIT: This definitely isnā€™t right. Maybe itā€™s true just for the lower peninsula.

Takes a special couple to get arrested for DUI together.

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