Trump isn't trying to seize power

3D strategy? Trump getting his base riled up about election fraud doesn’t seem to require deep thinking. It’s pretty straightforward.

If Trump did intend to stay in power but also thinks that these lawsuits and pleas to legislatures are his best or only available weapons to do so, what would look different?


He is always, 100% of the time, doing exactly what he says he is doing. There is no second level. You are trying to argue he wants to rile his base for some future play. He isn’t. He is saying he thinks the election was a fraud and he won because he thinks the election was a fraud and he won.

Trump is always, with no exception, on level one. Period.


If he didn’t care about the PR value of talking up election fraud? He would probably drop them since they have zero chance of succeeding. Of course this is total fantasyland because everything Trump does is all or mostly about how it plays in the media.

Utter nonsense. What in the world are you basing this on?

People on level one can be dishonest.

To quote the other thread - LOL

Not saying he isn’t a basic level thinker but this argument can’t apply both ways (the good he claims and the bad). When he says he fights for Americans he IS fighting for Americans?!

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I mean in the context of his intentions. He lies non stop for sure. But he just openly says what he is doing in terms of “strategy”.

Why wouldn’t he lie about what his strategy is?

can you name a time he has?

The 2016 election? Drain the swamp?

Uh, he’s a narcissist with a substantial legal liability if he ever leaves office. He doesn’t think he can lose at anything, and he never lets any grievance go. I have a very hard time believing that he’d just give up.


I think he genuinely believes he did that.

Sure. He says he’s filing these dumb lawsuits to overturn the election fraud when really he’s just stirring up his supporters to de-legitimize Biden’s presidency, keep the spotlight on himself, and set the stage for his run in 2024.

I don’t know what you mean by the 2016 election?

As for drain the swamp he absolutely thinks he did that. We just don’t agree with him in what constitutes the swamp.

Was his intention not to go in there and con/grift/have fun in whatever way he wanted rather than removing the existing political elite. Are Mitch/Nancy etc not more powerful than ever (unless he now chooses to undermine them - very possible but again not planned in 2016)?

Fyp - hopefully it’s obvious that I used fyp a little facetiously there because neither of us knows what Trump actually wants or thinks.

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I mean, speaking of the 2016 election, he never wanted to win that election in the first place! Another great example. Remember how glum he looked when he won?

I normally don’t skip large chunks of posts, I’m always afraid to miss something. I just skipped 75 posts and I’m confident I know exactly what I missed, and boy am I glad I missed it. Thank you for helping me learn that lesson, @anon10396289.

Nobody thought I could learn it. You might call it an educational coup.



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keep us posted

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